Laugh out loud with today's Alpaca-Inspired Dad Joke - The Sunday 7 - Issue #65
Mar 19, 2023 2:01 pm
Happy Sunday, friend!
Who doesn't love a good bedtime story?
I know I loved being read to when I was a child, and so did my own kids when they were young. I have very fond memories of both experiences.
I just learned that today is a day to celebrate that very tradition: International Read To Me Day.
I hope you enjoy reading today's Sunday 7, and I encourage you to take the opportunity to read a story today!
1 ) Photo of the Week
Old dump truck in Ruby, AZ, the ghost town.
2 ) Quote to Ponder
"Success is determined not so much by the size of one's brain as it is by the size of one's thinking." David J. Schwartz
3 ) 🥾 This Week Outside
Last weekend Chrissy and I went camping in a Ghost town!
Let me tell you about Ruby Arizona, an abandoned mining town about a 2 hour drive south of Tucson. It was founded in the late 1800s and was home to a number of silver and copper mines. At its peak, it had a population of about 1,200 people and boasted a saloon, hotel, post office, and general store.
But like many mining towns of the era, when the precious metals ran dry, the town began to decline. By the 1940s, the population had dwindled down to just a handful of people, and by the 1950s, it was completely abandoned.
Walking around and camping overnight in Ruby was quite an experience! The silence was palpable at night, but in spite of that we did not hear the whispers of the ghosts of the past. It was a fun experience, and one that we highly recommend for anyone who wants to experience the history, mystery and beauty of the West.
Be sure to check out a bunch of amazing photos and a video below. The twenty foot high children's slide in back of the school toward the end was a real trip to see.
4 ) Dad Joke
My son and I were at the petting zoo when an alpaca bent down and gave him a smooch right on the mouth.
He was very upset and started crying.
I tried to console him and said, “It's ok, son. It’s not the end of the world, it’s just the alpaca lips.”
5 ) 💌 Relationship Corner
Marriage Pearl # 8: It's not all about you
Acknowledge that it isn’t all about you anymore, and die to that lie.
This is a hard one and one I am still figuring out. I like things to be all about me, I think if we are honest, we all like things to be all about ourselves.
In marriage we are saying it’s not all about me anymore. I have a spouse I need to consider.
This isn’t to say that you don’t matter, of course you do! But it’s no longer ALL about you. This is compounded if you and your spouse have children.
To recap:
- Acknowledge that it’s no longer just about you: Recognize that your spouse’s needs are just as important as yours, and be willing to compromise and make sacrifices for the sake of your relationship.
- Practice selflessness: Make a conscious effort to put your spouse’s needs before your own. This could be something as simple as asking them how their day was or doing something kind for them.
- Communicate openly: Communication is key in any relationship. Make sure to listen to your spouse’s concerns and express your own in a respectful manner. This will help you both to understand each other better and work towards a common goal.
6 ) Adventures of Steve and Chrissy Update
Over the past few weeks Chrissy and I have been making an effort to get some of the books she has written actually published and available on Amazon.
We are still in the early phases as she has over a dozen books in various stages of creation, including books called, "Monty the Monarch and the Invisible Butterfly", "Sunnyface", "The Girl who Loved Unicorns", "Winter is Coming" and "The Little Racer".
We finally got one 100% published this past week. "Thingy" was one of her first works and was written over a year ago.
Our goal was to figure out the publishing process. Believe me, it is quite a process!
So, in light of today being International Read to Me Day, and the fact that last week was our son, Ben's birthday (upon whom this first book is based), we wanted to share this first book with you. The Kindle version is FREE this week.
If you enjoy the book and would be willing to leave a review, that would be greatly appreciated.
7 ) 🤔 Question for Reflection
What is a story you remember from your childhood, and what about it made it so memorable?