Exploring and New Adventures - The Sunday 7 - Issue #79

Jul 09, 2023 11:01 am

Happy Sunday!

We hope you have a great week and enjoy today's Sunday 7!


1 ) 📷 Photo of the Week


2 ) 📜 Quote to Ponder

"Exploration is continuous, there is no endpoint. Focusing on exploration is very rewarding all the time. It may produce things that look like endpoints, like achievements, but those things are just byproducts." ~ Patrick O'Shaughnessy

3 ) 🥾 Time Outside

Spending time in nature has numerous benefits for our mental and physical health. Here are five fascinating and not well-known facts about the benefits of being in nature:

  1. Nature can improve memory: A study from the University of Michigan showed that participants who took a memory test and then walked in nature did 20% better than those who took the test and then walked around the city.
  2. Nature can boost immunity: Spending time in nature can help boost our immune system. Research has shown that breathing in phytoncides, airborne chemicals produced by plants, can increase our levels of white blood cells, which help us fight off infections and diseases.
  3. Nature can enhance creativity: Being in nature can help enhance creativity and problem-solving skills. Studies have shown that spending time in nature can improve cognitive function and increase attention span.
  4. Nature can improve mental health: Spending time in nature can help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Research has shown that spending time in nature can help reduce stress levels, improve mood, and promote emotional well-being.
  5. Nature can improve sleep: Spending time in nature can help improve sleep quality. Exposure to natural light during the day can help regulate our circadian rhythm and improve sleep quality at night.

These are just a few of the many benefits of being in nature, and they highlight the importance of spending time outdoors for our overall health and well-being. What are some ways you incorporate nature into your daily routine?

4 ) 🤣 Dad Joke

I just found out there's an actual clinical name for when you can't sleep at night and you just keep on eating.

It's called insom-nohm-nohm-nohm-nohm-nia.

5 )  💌 Relationship Corner

Marriage Pearl # 21: A New Adventure

Spice up your relationship with a new adventure!

Whether it's trying a new restaurant, exploring a new hiking trail, or taking a trip to a new vacation spot, the possibilities are endless.

Over time, it's easy to become comfortable and familiar with your spouse, but venturing into the unknown together is a way to keep things fresh and exciting. Having new experiences together also draws you closer to your spouse.

So, don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. You never know, you might just create unforgettable memories with your spouse that will last a lifetime.

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6 )  🖊️ Adventures of Steve & Chrissy Update

Missouri: Week 3

I (Steve) was able to get Monday and Tuesday off from work and enjoyed celebrating the 4th early with Chrissy's family on Monday in Ohio. On Tuesday I returned to Missouri and Chrissy remained in Ohio to visit for another week. The rest of my week was about working.

I keep on having a song lyric addressed to Chrissy in my head this week:

I'm not afraid to be alone, But being alone is better with you. Life is better with you.

On another note, I had conversation with my recruiter about where we might go next. West Virginia, South Dakota, Virginia and Mississippi are possibilities.

There were a couple contracts in Maine I was interested in but they got filled right away. I was bummed, but that is how it works.

Thanks for your love and prayers. If you are interested in the whole song in my head, you can listen by clicking the button below.

Listen Here

7 )  🤔 Questions for Reflection

What is something you would enjoy exploring more in depth?
