What’s the difference between Dubai and Abu Dhabi? - The Sunday 7 - Issue #66
Mar 26, 2023 2:01 pm
Happy Sunday!
Today is Popeye's favorite day - National Spinach Day!
My first experience with spinach was the canned type and, despite Popeye's and my parents' best efforts, I did not like it at all.
Now I enjoy spinach, especially in a salad and Indian food. How about you? How do you like your spinach?
Anyway, I hope you enjoy today's Sunday 7 regardless of how much, or little, you enjoy spinach.
1 ) Photo of the Week
2 ) Quote to Ponder
"Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire." ~ St. Catherine of Siena
3 ) 🥾 This Week Outside
Chrissy and I went to the Tucson Botanical Gardens recently. It features a butterfly exhibit which was pretty cool.
Have you ever been to a Botanical Garden? They are a great place to relax and enjoy a leisurely stroll.
I got some pretty cool photos while we were there. You can check them out below.
4 ) Dad Joke
What’s the difference between Dubai and Abu Dhabi?
People in Dubai don't watch the Flintstones.
But people in Abu Dhabi do.
5 ) 💌 Relationship Corner
Marriage Pearl # 9: Maintain your sense of individuality
If you want to grow a great relationship, here’s some advice: Have some independence in your married life.
Just because you’re close to each other doesn’t mean you can’t have your own interests and hobbies.
While you and your spouse are intimately in each others orbit you should still have freedom and encourage one another to have outside interests.
For instance, I took a ballet class that had nothing to do with Steve, he didn’t know the people in my class or what we did for the hour I went each week. He encouraged me though and loved to hear about how the class went and let me show off the things I was learning.
Similarly, Steve took courses to become a Spiritual Director and has clients he meets with. I didn’t know any of the folks taking the classes and I don’t know what he discusses with his clients, but I try to encourage him to persist in the passion he has.
There have been many such incidents throughout our 30 years of marriage and these outside experiences enrich our lives. These outside experiences enrich our lives and give us something interesting to talk about.
So, don’t be afraid to pursue your own interests and encourage your partner to do the same. It’ll make your relationship stronger and more fulfilling in the long run.
6 ) Adventures of Steve and Chrissy Update
Happy SPRING to everyone. I hope it is warming up wherever you are and that you are getting to see the spring flowers.
Thank you to everyone who took a peek at the book “Thingy” last week.
I was nervous to let you all look at something I created, particularity because it is one of my first works and I have gotten more refined since.
I looked on Amazon on Wednesday and was surprised to see...
7 ) 🤔 Question for Reflection
What have you changed your mind about lately?