How to protect yourself from "Gaslighting" - The Sunday 7 - Issue #67
Apr 02, 2023 2:01 pm
Happy Sunday!
Today is National Peanut Butter and Jelly day!
While peanut butter was first invented by the Aztecs, it wasn't until the American Civil War that peanut butter and jelly sandwiches came into vogue. Supposedly, the men mixed their peanut ration and jelly ration to create a treat that brought them comfort on the field. At the war's end sales of jelly and peanut butter soared as the trend caught on.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy today's Sunday 7, maybe with a PB&J in hand...
P.S. Some folks got an early sneak peak of this email on Friday. Apologies for the unintended duplication if you are one of them!
1 ) Photo of the Week
Manzanitas are in bloom here.
2 ) Quote to Ponder
“Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt.” ― John Muir
3 ) 🥾 This Week Outside
A while back our son Ben did some work with the Arizona Conservation Corps and helped build a trail just outside Patagonia in Southern Arizona. Chrissy and I went and hiked it last week.
It is a part of the Arizona Trail, a trail that stretches 800 miles, all the way from the bottom of the state to the top. We only did a few miles, but it was very nice. The section we did was about 10 miles north from the border with Mexico.
You can check out the photos and video from the hike below.
4 ) Dad Joke
A man at a funeral approaches the widow and asks if he can say a word.
She nods her approval and he takes the podium.
The man says "Plethora", then exits.
"Thanks,” the widow says, "That means a lot.”
5 ) 💌 Relationship Corner
Marriage Pearl # 10: Cherish your parenting moments
When raising kids remember the days are long but the years are short… attempt to live without regret.
When you are in the throws of raising infants, toddlers, elementary kids, middle and high schoolers the days seem to never end.
Recognize that the days may be long and filled with tears, appointments, homework, baths, etc.. but the years fly by and before you know it they will be grown and out of the house.
I read recently that...
6 ) 🖊️ From the Desk of Steve
Gaslighting, is becoming increasingly prevalent in today’s society.
This insidious form of psychological manipulation occurs on both a personal and societal level.
Let’s explore what it is and what you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones.
At its core, gaslighting is a deliberate attempt to distort someone’s sense of reality, causing them doubt their own perceptions, memories, and even sanity.
It ranges from outright denial of certain events to subtle manipulation of facts and information.
Here are six examples...
7 ) 🤔 Question for Reflection
If you died this weekend, would you be satisfied with how you lived the last seven days?