Stacy's Bookish News: Writing and Waiting

Aug 01, 2024 10:00 am


When this arrives in your inbox, it will be a year wait until our book BEFORE I LIVED HERE publishes on Aug. 26, 2025.

If you were here earlier, I said it was a year in April. Publication dates often change. It was disappointment, but now I'm back to only a year away!

I'll be spending the time before the release date writing more books (I'm deep in revisions for several manuscripts right now) and prepping for the release date.

While we all wait, here are a few social posts I made in July.


šŸŽ„ Butt in Chair. For writers, that means I should be writing, but Iā€™m not & the dogs have plans


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šŸŽ„ Henna Is ... a beautiful book #henna #picturebookauthor


This is a wonderful book from KidLit Works author Marzieh Abbas. She has many wonderful books. This new one is beautiful and filled with fun facts.

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šŸŽ„ When you get a story idea, run with it. Write it. #keepwriting


We can't tell ourselves enough. Write what you love. It's easy to hit many gatekeepers in this publishing journey. Take a leap and don't self-censor your work.

#keepwriting #picturebookauthor

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šŸ—’ļø Three DO NOTs for Writers


Check out this post: For the KidLit Work blog post, picture book author Cheryl Kim offers three simple common sense pieces of advice to reduce the self-induced anxiety of writers.

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Happy Reading!

Stacy S. Jensen
