Stacy's Bookish News: Thanks for hanging out this year

Dec 01, 2024 11:01 am


We have one busy month ahead before we say good to 2024.

It's been a good bookish year for me. I've written several new manuscripts and spent time working with the team at Neal Porter Books on BEFORE I LIVED HERE, which should be available in August 2025.

I hope 2025 is filled with submissions and all the good things that follow submissions. [I'm being positive, because there's a lot silence and waiting with submissions.]

November was a difficult month for me filled with several life changes - jobs - and the loss of a dear friend. I know many have suffered this year through loss and change.

Still, I remain grateful. Here are a few socials, in case you missed them this month:

🎥 Book creators — Thank you for doing the work and sharing your stories with the world. #weneedthem


Thank you for encouraging and feeding my reading habits.

Click here to read more

I've been featuring a Monday post with a picture book title for several weeks. My goal is to consistently share picture books with potential readers.

🎥 Ready for the Thanksgiving holiday- A Book of Hugs


Click here to read more

For fall fun, there's a moment when we lose our Vizsla Maggie in the backyard leaves.

🎥 Find the #Vizsla. Where's Maggie? during Leaf Season


It's happens every year.

Click here to read more

I always try to share something from the KidLit Works group. Kerisa Greene created some gift pairings with KidLit Works books Take a look.

🗒️ Holiday Gift Guide: Picture Books & Gift Pairings


Click here to read more

Happy Reading!

Stacy S. Jensen
