ASW ✨🕊️: Here is your first welcome video !
Aug 04, 2022 9:50 am
Hi there ,
I am so inspired to bring you all my years of deeply exploring this subject of "Soveriegnty".
As a first full welcome and warm-up to the upcoming Awakening Sovereignty workshop, I hope you can take the time to watch this 9-min video that I created on the nuance but potent difference between Willing and Wanting.
You can watch it privately here:
We have 33 Early Birds, but more can be added..
The Early Bird ended on the 3rd of August BUT as you may notice in the description of the above video, you get to extend a magic link to friends who you think should be in this workshop!
The full price is now set at $97,- so you'll be giving them a $70,- discount. How great is that? Maybe feel into who you may want to invite. The link is with the video description above.
Moving forward in the lead-up to the Lions Gate Portal:
On the weekend, you will receive all the information on where the workshop space is, so watch your inbox for emails from!
Please feel welcome to send me a reply to this email directly!
or better yet,
if you feel willing, answer a quick question on your custom Welcome Page
For now,
thank you for showing up and following your attraction to learn more about what sovereignty means for you.
Be in touch,
In Syntropy,