Looking into the darkness from Love

Dec 19, 2020 3:31 pm

Hi there ,

You may have already received a lot of my syntropic mindsong sharing through the course in syntropy that I have (finally) activated. The feedback I continue receiving is so wonderful, love-filled, and inspiring that I feel encouraged to invite you to a deeper dive into what I feel to share,

but before I do :) ....

...I've been navigating with Shay from Earth Heroes TV where I am placing all of my future Syntropic Agroforestry course materials and community conversations. Here is a recent post that went up about 'The Unconditional love metric of Syntropy!'

"In this New Video on Earth Heroes TV, Souvereign shares during the Live Stream of the Kiss the Ground Community Conversation, how to navigate life in syntropy, Remembering how life operates, based on natures template & bringing men and women together so that we can light each other's fires, sharing seeds of hope!"

Sounds pretty nice hey? Have a listen if you feel attracted.


Watch here

Now, this would require you to get access, for which I have a little Gift for you, if you feel willing to receive it.

The Gift of Gift Giving

Not that I am much into Gregorian calendar socially engineered cultural events... for this festive season (which is really about celebrating life, family and connection), I really want to gift you something that has uplifted me in recent months.

I joined Shay and Thomas from Earth Heroes TV, and have found amazing value in the content they share that ranges from Live events, Inspirational Documentaries, Active Yoga classes, and uncensored truth-telling videos. (I know right?! Souvereign and Yoga?... you better believe it :)

Of course, I am excited about Earth Heroes Tv because I am on there too (!), and so are the Brave New Life community conversations, and also many of the Line in the Sand event that I helped produce through New Earth Media and already so much more.

So, yay! I want to gift you this 2-month FREE access pass because I love loving and I have a fantasy that you would really enjoy this gift even if you’re not on the internet that much.

For me it is all about quality content, not quantity and Earth Heroes TV is such a good place for that! (biased as that may sound coming from me, do check it out at least..)

Here’s how to activate your free subscription: 

Click the link: http://earthheroestv.com/?via=brave

Click Pricing Page (top right):

Click Monthly Subscriptions:

Enter email address:

Be sure to add Discount Code first: “GIFT” to activate 2 months FREE access. (You won’t be charged till the end of the 60 days and can cancel anytime for Free.)

then Enter credit card information or PayPal Account (which is required to activate your subscription)

If you feel you need support in navigating this process please email Shay at weareearthheroes@gmail.com with subject ‘SUPPORT GIVING’

Please note this opportunity will expire in 30 Days.



For more on this Solstice event (which has a max capacity of 1000 people in our joined zoom room) please connect in through www.bravenewlife.net (the ecosystem of regular feeling based relating zoom circles that me, Imani, and now also Shay are organizing so people can connect during these trying times.)

This event will be lovestreamed on earthheroestv.com for free also if you would rather watch "from afar"

Looking into the Darkness from Love

Now, in the lead up to this Solstice event, I want to invite those interested to expand their thinking and feeling based worlds and join me and Kendra Tegan on a love-filled dive into the darker aspects of our human collective manifestations with the focus on how to reclaim, revoke, dissolve any unconscious contracts with the "old order" while focussing on how to consciously proclaim our willingness to navigate Life in harmony with the Natural Order.

If you feel attracted to join Kendra and me this Saturday at 9:30 PM EST US time (Sunday 10:30 Bali time), you can add your name here (if you haven't yet:) https://sendfox.com/lp/1yqg8o

Because we will be speaking to healing from the effects of sexual abuse and the violation of our original sovereignty, a relevant sharing in light of "Looking into the Darkness from Love" is:

https://souvereignsharing.blog/2020/10/29/awakening-through-rachels-testimony/ Kendra and I will address the sickness plaguing our human family: human sex trafficking, ritual child sex abuse, and how to navigate the re-integration of disassociated aspects of self back into our wholeness of Self as an integral part of the healing process.

A Dive Deeper into Luciferic Cult practices

For me, I feel that comprehending the syntropic nature of Life is tremendously relevant for our human ecology to be able to recalibrate itself from an artificially created mind's orientation based on lack, scarcity, and the need for control, into one of prosperity and navigating with the natural orientations that Life operates on.

I recently finally worded out my mindsong on the relevancy of Lotus Birth and how our western birthing culture has been so programmed with (unnecessary) violence. Because I don't know if you get notifications when I post anything on my so-called 'blog' I am including the link here also:


For the Children Past, Present & Future

The only reason I am sharing all that I do is for the children. My deep-diving into Syntropy and Human Ecology, guided by ancient wisdom keepings, has reminded me thoroughly that my navigational orientations are best purposed towards the younglings, the mokopuna. Past, present, and future.

In the archetypal nature of consciousness, the child represents and reflects the original innocence of our own selves. Looking then into the human trafficking of children and the revelations of underground tunnel systems where children are being freed from can become an immense opportunity to "bring home" parts of ourselves that have been left behind within.

I want to share this conversation that dives into all of this from a place of love and openness based on Syntropy.


For now feel welcomed to enjoy the 2 month free Gift with Earth Heroes TV where more and more inspiring sharings are popping up.

Love from Bali,

