How I met the love of my life...through storytelling
Aug 11, 2022 2:12 pm
Hi there !
These past 2 weeks have been powerful and intense!
From a single workshop fantasy into doing 2 Awakening Sovereignty Workshops in the space of 24 hours with 50 tickets sold!
The ASW ✨🕊️ was A m a z I n g and it needs to happen again (partly because the 1st recording disappeared into the ethers when we all sat before the Lions Gate Portal for our individual download, but also because everyone benefits from being receiving the wisdom shared on the English Language programs, Feminine Wisdom on Sovereignty, the power and significance of Natural Lotus Birth and Awakening your Will).
The Q&A's were superb and the Bonus Videos included are just short of being worth their value in Gold twice!
Wonderful News: I have decided to keep the workshop price at 27,- moving forward and I am committed to refunding everyone that did not take me up on the early bird registration!
The next ASW ✨🕊️ (take 3) may take some time because of my commitment to support my beloved Queen Colleen at the FABx Online Storytelling Summit and we are going to need a break after this spectacular week of event series!
Storytelling for our own Humanity by feeling stories.
Today was a powerful, moving, and an inspiring long day. Together with Colleen, a whole team of us navigated the process of doing an in-studio-produced Live Summit for Colleens FABx✨ I got the privilege to be behind the scenes director while Colleen shone in front of the cameras...
Storytelling from the heart
I met Colleen properly for the first time with her on stage. She introduced her speakers that she had trained up in her 8-week training program and I got to feel the depth and beauty of each of the Storytellers. The experience was heart opening and that night I came away feeling human again during a time when everyone still had to wear a face covering.
It was a few short months later that I sang a song to her on her birthday and it all really started becoming more serious from there. (that one birthday night beginning is definitely worth a story for sure. Spoiler alert.. I wooed her with "Oops I did it again" by Britney was all sooo human and funnily enough feeling very naturalizing.
Living in Ubud we did not meet each other in a tantra eye-gazing workshop or at the ecstatic dance. Both living on purpose we had no chance of just running into each other, instead, I sought her out for her work because I was lacking a deep meaningful connection in my physical experience. I was yearning for real, raw, human stories filled with purpose, power, and wisdom.
Ever since that day I become deeply inspired by Colleens' passion and devotion to raising people's awareness of the relevance and Power of Storytelling. Little did I know that now I get to be the man by her side supporting her putting on her Speak Your Truth Storytelling Summit & Training. (day 2 is coming fast)
To learn more about storytelling, Colleens' magical work, or the summit go to
Next week I will pinpoint and announce another glorious day for the Awakening Sovereignty Workshop take 3! Let me know if week days or weekends suit you best!
Love from Bali,