Sovereignty is about being your own leader, thinking for yourself, taking responsibility for your own navigation and stopping your dependency on external agency that was chosen out of ‘ease’ for not ‘having to deal with’ or the notion that it was ‘fr...
“Lotus birth in that sense is the most beautiful, most holistic, most sovereign and most respecting of the spirit and the body and the being of a new human Life coming to the earth.” “Just because you don’t know that you get traumatized when you get...
Because of the huge impact humans have on all other Life, I feel that it is important that this programmed “inability” to accept the past and thus free the associated story around it from the body is being addressed. Remembering Syntropy and the vari...
You may know of my ongoing involvement in the New Earth Project and this years World Health Sovereignty Summit we delivered during the rise of the pandemic that has affected the world at large. Through Para Pachamama ~ Spirit of Earth I always had a...
Have you noticed that we as a human family are being cult-programmed right now? That we are in a global “live exercise” of epic proportions, with huge ramifications for our collective ability to know what is healthy, natural, coherent, and of truth?...
Love is a foundational, intrinsic prerequisite to the process of returning to freedom again, one human at a time, weakening the grip and freeing souls up from the traps of the past and the future so to come and explore and live, through direct experi...
Ever wanted to learn about Syntropic Agroforestry from the comfort of your own home? Have you read and found some of my sharings relevant? Perhaps you’ve wondered how you could de-program yourself from the matrix? Well, this course is then FOR YOU! Y...
From 2016 before #syntropy and feeling based relating was remember in my world. Good though, albeit a bit direct. But, it was written to myself as that is what i have used writing on social media for. What are your thoughts? To truly embody peace req...
This is Rachel Vaughans’ explicit testimony to the International Tribunal of Natural Justice, Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex-abuse. Rachel has recently stepped forward wanting to go public through the ITNJ with a...
Talking about Syntropy involves exposing roughly around 6000 years of entropic cult programming so maybe just make a cup of tea and take this sharing as some light entertainment for your brain cells. My “learneth” field of expertise is how Syntropy e...