A Note From Sorcha and Happy Holidays

Dec 23, 2021 9:11 pm


Dear ,

I hope this email finds you well. I know I missed sending everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and now I am just slipping in under the wire to say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays to you. But I made it!

2021 has been a very challenging year for everyone, and I am no exception. As you likely know, I am not a full-time author. Like most people, I have a day job that pays my bills and allows my husband and I to do all the things we love. Unfortunately, my day job has been rather tumultuous this year, as has life in general. I know I have fared much better than many in America this year and I am not complaining.

But, as a result of work and life, I have really struggled with my writing. I had a period of nearly six months where I simply couldn't put words on the page. No amount of refilling the creative well or time spent in front of the computer staring at a blank screen could make the words come. I am actually writing again, but it has been slow and really painful.

All of this has resulted in me first pushing my release date back for His Reluctant Marchioness, and now having to cancel my pre-order. I am three-quarters through writing the book, and there is no way for me to finish by January 14th.

I simply reached the point that the book is not finished and I will not have a quality product ready by January. I am unwilling to release a book that is not up to the standard of the previously published books in the series. My hope is to release sometime in the first quarter of 2022. I will not be putting the book on sale again until it is written, edited, and fully polished until it gleams. With all the waiting, I owe you all my best work.

So, I hope you all can forgive me for the stumbles and the delays. And bear with me a little longer for the next book in the series. For those of you in the SoCal area, I will be attending the Love & Devotion author signing in February. You can get more details on my website.

With that, I wish you all Happy Holidays and the most wonderful of New Year's!


Sorcha Mowbray

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