21 day Solstice Light Invitation

Dec 21, 2024 10:03 pm


Call in the Solstice Light!

Come join the many souls who are celebrating Light on Earth at Solstice in the privacy of your own home.

I am creating an intentional practice of spending 5 minutes per day inviting the Light to nourish and bless my life for 21 days.

I am currently facilitating a small group in this process. Your can join us at no charge.

During this sacred 21 day period, any spiritual practice you do will be paving your path of benevolent life awakening for the new year. You will be letting the Universe know what you need to thrive on the Earth. May you be blessed as you take the time to feel nourished and nurtured by the Divine Light in your private meditations.

You can continue in your private meditations with your sacred intention for 2025. OR you are also invited to join our informal group as we ground and set the energy for the Earth during our daily meditations and intentional spiritual practice.

I will be sending some suggested intentions for your practice. You can choose to say these prayers with our Compassionate Wisdom Circle if you feel inspired. Let me know if you are planning to join us so I can send these suggestions to you.


Our Sunday Inspiration of the week for December 22, the Gabriel Message #32 inspired this process for our group. Below is my response with the group prayer.

When you connect deeply within to your enlightened state of mind, there is an expanded perception of the world and any question can be answered.

People are filled with questions nowadays as life has taken momentous turns that are not only unexpected, but unprecedented.

There is an ongoing need for clarity and even an enlightened perspective to gain greater understanding and help to put our minds at ease. From within our busy lives, this ability seems fleeting at best, and sometimes hopeless.

For me, there is no way I can receive the answers I am seeking from an outside world that is changing so quickly. I have to purposefully take the time, making space to slow down, and breathe more deeply. Only in this way can I consciously create alignment with the Infinite Intelligence, because I need this expansive connected energy to open my mind and heart for new awareness.

Scientists at Heartmath.org have found that our hearts send frequencies of wisdom to our brain.

  • Placing my hand on my heart brings me back into integrity with myself very quickly.
  • Taking deep breaths into my heart allows me to open up to a more expanded way of thinking.
  • Prayers to receive guidance and wisdom bring a new opening to my mind.
  • Then I need to give myself some intentional time to align with the Highest Source of Light and create a bridge from Heaven to Earth within my being.

If I am sensitive to my energy field, I notice that when I take the time for this connecting process, there seems to be a more expansive Light field around me. Indeed, I feel much lighter, perhaps even more enlightened. From this place of expansiveness, my questions will either be answered or dissipate in the greater awareness this opening provides.

Most of us use worry as a part of our planning process for life. I have spent hours and sometimes days worrying about an outcome that is clearly unknown. How much more resourceful it is for me to spend even half that time with a receptive heart.

Slowing down seems especially difficult when my life feels as though it is speeding up, yet that is what is required to create deeper attunement with the most eternal, divine and enlightened aspect of my being.


Divine Presence,

May I seek your guidance first before I allow fear to take over my mind. Help me to remember to slow down, take deeper breaths, and offer to the Light all that weighs me down.

As I call forth the Light from the Highest Source there is, I invite this Light to fill my mind and heart, bringing me a deeper connection to Divine Wisdom and Guidance. May I allow Creative Solutions to abound and lighten up all areas of my life right now.

I am grateful that I am gaining more Faith and the inner knowing that all my needs are met with Grace and Ease. Thank you for bringing me the answers I need to live with a Peaceful Heart in Harmony with my Highest Self.

And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel

December 21, 2024


avatar Viviane
Greetings Gabriel, I gratefiully accept your invitation to your sacred 21 days of intentional practice, however I prefer to do it on my own. I will welcome the intentions you will send for meditating. Many blessings to you, Viviane
avatar Tina
Gabriel, I gratefully accept your invitation to your sacred 21 days of intentional practice. With a thankful heart I welcome the intentions sent, enjoying them on my own. Much love and light to all. Tina