Life and other Transformations from Shanta

Nov 22, 2024 6:18 pm

Greetings Dear Ones,

Lots is going on in Life right now. You may have noticed.

On Oct 31 a close relative of mine passed on to a new dimension. Grief has presented my own opportunity for creative transformation.

I will talk about this and Life expanding on the earth right now energetically when I create and send a short video. I am going to present it on zoom solo so I don't have to organize anybody but me.

I had a cold last week and then I fell at work yesterday. it was more shocking that injurious. So healing time is tops. I just need quiet healing space.

In addition, the colors of the seasons are changing into more holiday fields so the beauty around us is expanding.

As always... Lots of CHANGE!


I'll send the zoom recording out as soon as I do it, which will be by Sunday or Monday at the latest.

It's the Last Quarter of the Moon so completion and organization is in the Field. Enjoy!

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And now Pam Younghans:

 NorthPoint Journal

Your guide to planetary energies for

November 18 to 24, 2024

by Astrologer Pam Younghans


PLUTO IN AQUARIUS: After dancing over the threshold between Capricorn and Aquarius for the past 20 months, Pluto finally enters Aquarius for the long haul on November 19. As we enter the Pluto-in-Aquarius years (2024-2043), we are stepping onto the fast-track for the evolution of humanity. 


During the next 20 years, we will collectively undergo an unprecedented paradigm shift and experience a major transformation. Our concepts of community will necessarily shift, since either we all win — including planet Earth — or nobody wins.


A SOCIETAL SHIFT: Pluto’s transit through Aquarius may feel reminiscent of the mid-1960s, when the dwarf planet was conjunct Uranus, the planetary ruler of Aquarius. One theme that dominated that turbulent decade was a rebellion against the establishment and a drive to return the “power to the people.” Those Uranus-Pluto years were very unsettled, but ultimately resulted in major societal shifts through civil rights and other advancements.


Under the influence of Pluto in visionary Aquarius, individuals who share similar goals may ultimately form independent communities instead of relying on centralized systems of government. Progressive ideals such as individual freedom, renewable energy, and shared responsibility will drive significant adjustments in the structure of society. 


A NEW "AGE OF REASON": Social change will be accelerated by humanity's use of information, technology, and space travel during the Pluto-in-Aquarius years. Breakthroughs will occur in the sciences, in communications with other lifeforms, and in our understanding of dark matter and “junk DNA.” There will be major shifts in how we view human consciousness, in how we perceive death and the afterlife, and in our very perceptions of this physical "reality."


The last time Pluto was in forward-thinking Aquarius was from 1778 to 1798. During those two decades, the balance of power in the world changed dramatically through the American and French Revolutions. Those years also marked the beginning of the Industrial Revolution and were the peak of the Age of Reason, also called the Age of Enlightenment. 



Sun enters Sagittarius: The Sun will transit the sign of the Archer from November 21 to December 21 this year. During this four-week period, we are supported in our search for meaning in life, in using our intuition, and in relying on higher wisdom instead of the mind's reasoning. Sagittarius also encourages us to see the bigger picture, to focus on the positive, and to be able to enjoy humor and laughter.


Sun sextile Pluto: This aspect represents an opportunity to feel more empowered, perhaps through a strengthening of our spiritual perspective.




Venus sextile Saturn: This subtle aspect can help us approach relationship and financial matters realistically, with greater discipline and maturity.


Mars trine North Node: We are energized to act on our instincts today, to take risks as we follow our heart's guidance.




No major aspects are exact today.



No major aspects are exact today.


IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: You are able to access your higher self attributes more directly this year, and you have the courage and determination to take risks based on your intuitive knowing. An inner restlessness encourages you to break away from restrictions as you redefine your truth and your identity. Spiritual or creative resources are readily available to assist, and you may feel especially passionate about a cause that is close to your heart. (Solar Return Sun trine Mars, opposite Uranus, trine Neptune, sextile Pluto)


In peace, love, and gratitude,





THE NORTHPOINT JOURNAL: Astrologer Pam Younghans writes this weekly Journal based on her knowledge of planetary influences and guided by her intuition. Her goal is to bring astrology "down to earth" in a way that helps you successfully navigate current energies, while also utilizing them for your optimum spiritual and personal growth.


Feel free to share this NorthPoint Journal with others! Please forward it in its entirety, including all contact and copyright information.

Peace and Love to you, Shanta
