Inspiration for the Week - February 16, 2025

Feb 16, 2025 9:01 am


Bringing Clarity into Chaos

by Shanta Gabriel

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of #41 of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

This message from Archangel Gabriel helps us to expand our perception about the experiences life is bringing to us. There is also a special message from the Divine Feminine in the offering by Archangel Hope, sacred counterpart to Archangel Gabriel.


A disruption of energy serves to bring more clarity. Bless it.

Most of the time I have received this card with more irritation than gratitude. Usually this message comes at a time when something I consider disturbing has occurred. However, when this card shows up, it almost always makes me smile.

I wish I could say that I welcome this card and gracefully begin to bless the situation around me that caused my upheaval. Often I may grumble a bit, even though the mere reading of the card has already caused me to surrender and shift from my position. It is just so TRUE. I cannot argue with the premise that certain situations can act as a wake-up call to spur me back into alignment with my most Divine Self.

There is a certain element of freedom in the awareness that my blessing the situation will cause it to vibrate at a higher frequency. To bless means to confer energy upon. When we bless something, it brings the Infinite Intelligence within the field of Divine Light to the circumstance. It also gives us the opportunity to ask for a Creative Solution when the situation seems so dire that we can't see our way through it. The Divine always offers a solution inherent in every problem, as long as we raise our frequency to match our desire.

Our prayers act as a beacon to call to the energy that we want to experience. Those who have had near-death experiences report seeing brilliant streamers of light shooting off the earth as people pray. They were even shown the angels waiting to fulfill those prayers. That is one of the jobs Angels were given to do by the Divine Presence. This is very reassuring information for me.

So when discordant situations arise in my life, I am committing to remember to bless the situation NOW, thus bringing some beautiful light into it. I also want to be grateful for the clarity that comes to me when I am shown what I do not want. It is abundantly clear that I become VERY aware during the disruption what I would prefer to experience. That is a gift.

My next step may be to write down my intentions for what I really want in my life and send blessing energy to this clear awareness. At that point I can invite the Universe to come and open the way to graceful and easy fulfillment of my prayer.

And it is very beneficial to remember to give thanks in advance, knowing that all my needs are being met as long as I am a vibrational match for what I truly desire in my life. I can trust this process because I have seen it work so often. Only now it is even more exciting, because the change that comes when I bless the uncomfortable situation is often amazingly quick. There must have been an angel just waiting for me to ask...


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Divine Presence,

Thank you for bringing more clarity into my life. Please soothe my nervous system, healing any waves this wake-up call presented, with a flow of beautiful Golden Light through my being.

Let my heart be filled with Compassion for myself and all others as we evolve together in expanded consciousness and anchor new frequencies of Love, Freedom and Harmony on the Earth. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel

February 16, 2025


New Foundations of Wellbeing


Dearest Children,

All dreams can become realities through the Grace of the Divine Mother. This is a fierce grace that encourages you to relinquish all that holds back the embodiment of your Divinity.

Freedom of your Soul’s expression is one of the awakening gifts being offered through the Divine Feminine energy working through you now. This Divine Empowerment comes with a deep level of hopefulness, and an all encompassing certainty that you are connected to your Spiritual Resources in a new way ~ one that provides a greater sense of wholeness.

All good mothers desire their children to feel nourished and cared for. You are embracing the elements of that gift now. It is a return to the heart of the Mother who loves you deeply. This Divine Grace provides for all your needs and embraces you in Eternal Love.

Accepting this succor can be a blissful task. It can also be radically uncomfortable because it has such a different vibration from what you have been experiencing up to now. As you create a foundation that vibrates mightily in Wellbeing, all doubt and fear become transformed into pure Equanimity.

You are trusting yourself in a new way. You have never experienced this phenomena in a physical body and it is creating some physical symptoms that can make you feel destabilized.

Let yourself remember Oneness in your deepest being. You have that as your base line. It is who you are in your divine template. The more you establish this reality of Union as the unfailing gyroscope within your heart, the stronger is your foundation. The higher the frequencies you establish within you and on the Earth, the faster the ascension process moves for you and all humanity.

Your state of Unity Consciousness is transforming your life and the world. It is creating deep forces of Wellbeing as a structure that can support your Soul’s gifts as they present themselves to the world. This is an inside job that transforms your reality and blesses all life.

All that you have experienced is blessing you by expanding your foundation for life. This is a foundation that is nourished by the power of the Divine Mother Essence working within you. As you remember that you are a blessed soul, an Angel in training, all life unfolds in miraculous ways to support your dreams.

As you claim the new empowered frequencies that are available, Divine Light is activated in every cell of your physical being. You are creating a new Light Body that will hold your Divinity and bring it through your physical reality in a way that has never been possible before.

Allow yourself to be very receptive to the song of your heart. Know that you are being guided every step of the way by a Love that never ends. You are blessed. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel for

Archangel Hope

February 16, 2025

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