[NEW EPISODE] What We Can Learn From The Homeless With Glen Dunzweiler

Nov 12, 2020 1:06 am

Have you ever had an idea that you wanted to express and share? 

Writing your own material and finding ways to get your work out into the world may seem daunting, but taking action will help you succeed. More importantly, you can say that you took personal responsibility for your success.

Glen Dunzweiler tells stories through writing and video production. Storytelling, as he says, is the best way to communicate ideas and thoughts to other people.

Glen joins us on the Seek Go Create podcast to talk about how he uses his books and documentary as a platform for telling stories about the homeless.

One thing that particularly struck me during our interview—and I think it will tremendously benefit you—is that, according to Glen, we have a lot to find out from people who have lost everything.

Glen learned a lot about the people he interviewed and filmed. He worked on coordinating with organizations to take people off the streets, and he’s here to share that knowledge with us.

If you want to learn about what we can learn from the homeless and how to take action for your success, make sure to listen to the full episode on our website or your favorite podcast platform.

To growing and becoming all we are created to be,

