New KB Home

Greetings Fellow MembersThe KB, can now be found at its new home: access remains the same, no change there, only your path to knowledge!As you know, I have been mentioning many other changes, with the addition of...

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May 30, 2024
Growing Pains!

Greetings AllTax's are now enabled on the store once again, as well as the change over to the company, this meaning all future invoices as off the 1st July will be coming from the company: InnovateEdge Technologies LDA.And the new website... that wil...

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May 29, 2024
With Changes Come The Pains :)

Greetings AllToday you may have noticed that the website was down, and the KB is currently unavailable, and well emails have also ben on the FRITZ. I do apologise for this if you were planning on using the KB today!As this is all down to a server mal...

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May 29, 2024