ScriptcaseByJamie Members - Changes Incoming!

May 26, 2023 7:01 am

🥳 Greetings Members 🎟️🎟️🎟️🎟️

🎉 Changes to the membership are incoming, all services will be unavailable for purchase or booking during this time.

Be aware that the 🎈 Sale is soon over 🎈, membership access will be at full price, and new monthly and group membership options have been created.

The monthly and the group membership do not include many of the yearly perks, but I hope will increase the number of members within our new community. 😃 If you have not yet joined, be sure to head on over, register, and join in the conversation.

🎫 Do be sure to register with the same email address that joined the membership!

🎉🎉 As initial joiners to the ScriptcaseByJamie membership, you will find that your initial and ongoing investment is well awarded. I do hope that you have been happy with your purchase so far and your decision to join at such early stages.

No complaints so far... :)

📝 Moving forward the membership will continue to have all the same perks as you had initially joined, the first free template and theme are also coming into the KB during the next few days. I know some have you have been waiting on those!

🏋️‍♀️ Over the next months, more content will be added to the KBs, as well as training content becoming available within the training area.

And of course, our Channel project will be continued... as well as more projects to come!

🌟 Before I go I should mention again that the sale is over if you are wanting to book consultations, or one-on-one training, get another membership then do so now before the changes come into effect.

Any questions, doubts, complaints, or congrats 👍 👎 ❤️ 💬, whatever it may be, just reply to this mail, or send me one directly, I am always open ears!



🌐 ScriptcaseByJamie

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🎓 Our Learning Zone

🎬 Our YouTube Channel

💡 Consultations & Personal Training
