With Changes Come The Pains :)

May 29, 2024 3:47 pm

Greetings All

Today you may have noticed that the website was down, and the KB is currently unavailable, and well emails have also ben on the FRITZ. I do apologise for this if you were planning on using the KB today!

As this is all down to a server malfunction, DEAD HD, and Backups with it, nice service provider, and oh yes there will be a video on that one soon! So as you can imagine I have been head over heals running around, while losing some hair in the process :)

So yes, I made the hard choice in choosing a New provider, and have been slowly moving everything over, so if I happened to miss your email in the last days, or really at any time, do reach out and give me a bang!

Everything should be back up within the next 23/48 hours, do also note there will be a change with the KB location, all access will remain the same, just the URL will change.

Oh and while I am at it, Tax's are now enabled on the store once again, as well as the change over to the company, this meaning all future invoices as off the 1st July will be coming from the company: InnovateEdge Technologies LDA.

I hope you are as excited as I am!

So many things are being improved, and there is so much more to come!

