New release, launch parties, and an upcoming novella.

Aug 07, 2022 11:01 am



Hello from a lazy winter Sunday morning in Sydney. I’m having a quiet day after all the excitement of the release of Out of the Ashes last week, and I’m extremely happy to report that the early reviews are overwhelmingly positive. Here are a couple of the best:

Ankita Shukla at Readers’ Favorite


“Packed with twists, the plot keeps its audience spellbound, hoping for a better tomorrow. Out of the Ashes by Samantha Grosser is a must-read story set in a very important time in our history.”

And book blogger The Literate Leprachaun (

“A phenomenal 5-star read.”

If you had an Advance Review Copy, or even if you didn’t but you’ve read it and enjoyed it, now is the time to post a review. Reviews are vital to help a book’s visibility on the online storefronts, especially on Amazon, so even a couple of lines would be wonderful! You can use this link to access your favourite bookstore:

Last night was the launch party to celebrate with family and friends. It was a wonderful chance to spend time and share a glass of bubbly with all the people who have supported me through my writing in a myriad of ways. I think this photo speaks volumes of how much fun I had!


Over the last few weeks I also got back to writing. I’m still doing research for the follow up to Out of the Ashes, but in the process I had an idea for a novella which takes one of the minor characters from Another Time and Place as a starting point. I really didn’t do much planning for it, but happily it just seemed to flow and the first draft is already finished! It needs a lot of editing, of course, but I hope to have it ready in the next few months – I’ll keep you posted.

What I'm reading - The Imitator by Rebecca Stafford.

I’m less than half way through this as an audio book but I’m savouring every moment. Set at the start of World War 2, it is the story of a young woman who has already learned the art of disguise when she is recruited to MI5. Beautifully written in evocative prose, so far it’s a rare treat.

What I’m watching - Slow Horses

Having subscribed to Apple TV for the Essex Serpent, we also watched Slow Horses, a wonderfully quirky mini series set in the clandestine world of British Intelligence. Starring the ever brilliant Gary Oldman as the head of a division of misfits, it is reminiscent of the writing of John LeCarre. I loved it.

Here are the links to my books. Have you read them all?

Historical Fiction

Another Time and Place

The Officer's Affair

Out of the Ashes

The King James Men

Historical Fiction with a touch of fantasy

Shakespeare's Witch

The Witch's Secret

The Shadow Witch

Till next time - happy reading!

Kind regards

