October Update

Oct 10, 2023 9:01 am



Hello again from Sydney, where the weather can’t decide what it wants to do. Currently, it’s a very pleasant sunny and breezy 22oC, which suits me fine. Actually, it’s probably my perfect weather. And welcome to any new subscribers - I hope this email finds you well, wherever you are in the world.

It’s been a quiet few weeks for me on the writing front. I’m still chipping away at the new World War II novella, but have been rather caught up in edits and promotion for the upcoming fantasy releases. Like most authors, I find the marketing aspect of the role quite challenging – if I could just write books and let someone else to all the rest of it, I’d be quite happy! That said, I do like having control of things like my covers and book descriptions, so although it is very time consuming, it is also rewarding. It also enables me to keep in closer contact with my readers. I had this wonderful message from a reader earlier today (I hope she won’t mind me sharing) that said 

“In the last three weeks I have had Covid and your books have got me through it …”

I was so touched and honoured, and though writing can be a lonely occupation, it’s incredibly rewarding to know that my books have touched another person in such a way.

I’m still commuting to my old job once a week – I do love it, despite the length of time it takes me to get there: it’s so nice to work with great people that it’s worth the journey. I’m still keeping my eyes out for the perfect job (is there such a thing?) closer to home, but I’m not actively searching any more. Too much else to do! I’m in the process of registering for TV extras work, which should be fun. They do a lot of filming in Sydney, so there’s quite a lot of work available. My son used to do it – he spent a lot of time being a customer in various cafes and surf shops! If I appear in anything I’ll let you know, so you can look out for me, although I expect they’ll be “blink and you miss it” kind of roles!

What I’m Reading – The Good Wife of Bath by Karen Brooks

This is a wonderful, moving, and rambunctious retelling of the famous Chaucer tale from the viewpoint of the Wife herself. I’m just coming to the end of it and I feel like I’m about to lose a friend. Highly recommended.

What I’m Watching – A Discovery of Witches

I read the first novel in the All Souls trilogy a while ago, but somehow never quite got round to watching the TV series, and I have to say it’s very addictive. While magic and witchcraft play a part in the story, I think its success is due more to the very human relationships it depicts – love and forgiveness, the capacity for the human spirit to grow and to change, friendship, family, loyalty, and grief. I’ll be watching the last episode of Season 3 tonight, and I’m missing it already. 

Here are the links to my books. Have you read them all?

Another Time and Place

The Last Goodbye

The Officer's Affair

Out of the Ashes

The King James Men

Till next time - happy reading!

Kind regards




