Extra Newsletter and a Giveaway!

Aug 21, 2022 12:01 pm



Sunday always seem to be the day I write my newsletter! Today has been both relaxing and productive. I went for a long walk along the foreshore with my other half this morning, then spent an hour in my recording studio under the stairs, working out how best to make it more soundproof. Hopefully we can get it done this week and I can start recording again. This afternoon I went to the gym, and now I’m sitting at my desk with a cup of tea, watching the afternoon shadows lengthen over the playing fields. 

I’m now almost at the end of the second draft of the novella I’ve been working on. Next step is to print it out and do another pass. I find I still need to read my work on paper. I don’t know what it is but it just reads differently, and I pick up far more that needs to be rewritten than I do from a screen. Not just typos and mistakes, but also places where the rhythm of the words isn’t quite right, or there’s a better way to express something. I do read ebooks and listen to audio books, but I’m at my happiest curled up with a paperback in my hand!

Speaking of paperbacks – Amy at Historical Fiction Virtual Blog Tours is running a giveaway of a paperback copy of OUT of THE ASHES. The giveaway is open internationally and closes on August 31.

Click here to enter: https://www.hfvirtualbooktours.com/outoftheashesblogtour/

What I’m Reading - I was Anastasia by Ariel Lawhon

This is an enthralling novel of historical suspense that unravels the extraordinary twists and turns in Anna Anderson's fifty-year battle to be recognized as Anastasia Romanov. Is she truly the Russian Grand Duchess or the thief of another woman's legacy? Told through the eyes of a likeable protagonist with an engaging sense of humour, it’s tempting to believe she truly is Anastasia, even though I know that the history says otherwise. A gripping journey through one of history’s most fascinating mysteries. 

What I’m watching - The Duke

In 1961, Kempton Bunton, a 60 year old taxi driver, steals Goya's portrait of the Duke of Wellington from the National Gallery in London. A delightful British film based on a remarkable true story, starring Jim Broadbent and Helen Mirren. Highly recommended.

Here are the links to my books. Have you read them all?

Historical Fiction

Another Time and Place

The Officer's Affair

Out of the Ashes

The King James Men

Historical Fiction with a touch of fantasy

Shakespeare's Witch

The Witch's Secret

The Shadow Witch

Till next time - happy reading!

Kind regards




