A focus on health and safety

Hey Safety Champion!It's good to see you here. This coming week is national health and safety week! This is a great opportunity to elevate the focus on safety in your organization! I love weeks like this as it helps us get excited and motivated to pr...

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May 06, 2024
Complacency in Workplace Safety

Hey Safety Champion!It's good to see you here. As I reflect on last week and what is coming up this next week, I am reminded that the International Health and Safety Day is tomorrow, May 28th! It is also the Day of Mourning in B.C.This is a time to r...

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Apr 28, 2024
Increasing safety engagement?

Hey Safety Champion!Here's my weekly update for April 20th, 2024...One of the challenges that safety professionals or champions face is to increase safety engagement with your staff, employees or crew. Safety is often seen as something that has to be...

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Apr 21, 2024
Oops! I sent you the wrong link!

Oh boy, I promise technology and I are friends! I messed up the link that I sent to you a couple days ago. Here’s the right link to find the article on whether or not you should take a first aid course. https://www.championsafetysolutions.com/post/s...

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Apr 16, 2024
first aid just about putting on bandaids- think again!

Hey Safety Champions!This week was all about getting back from vacation, getting caught up at work and on the road again for some safety visits!A question I get asked quite a bit is should I take a first aid course. After all, I don’t need it for wor...

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Apr 13, 2024
Risk mitigation or transfer?

Hey Safety Champions!Well, I’m on vacation somewhere hot! I am enjoying some much needed rest and relaxation! One of the things that came to mind was how much the heat can affect us in our workplaces. I’m also reminded that hazard identification is s...

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Mar 29, 2024