Championing 💪Safety in Your Workplace- WHO is going to do it?!

Sep 14, 2024 12:05 am


Hey Safety Champion!

It's good to see you here. I was thinking back to a flight that I took recently where the flight attendant championed safety. I was fortunate enough to get bumped up to premium seating, which meant on this flight- I got the full meal deal- literally!

She was serving the hot plates and me being the ever vigilant ‘Safety Simon’ saw that she was using some special gloves to handle the hot plates.


When I asked her about them, she was quite excited to tell me all about them and that she always wore them when handling the hot plates. I loved this! Here was someone who was championing safety by making it a priority for herself. This translated into other (me!) noticing. This is the best way to inspire others to do the right thing as well. The opposite can also be true if we aren’t careful. 😔

I want to inspire more people in workplaces to be safety champions, just like my newfound flight attendant friend. Here’s an article on exactly how to do that! Check it out!


Have a question about safety that you’d like answered? Reply to this email or let me know here!

Ask Safety Simon


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Here is the quote of the week.


Until next time,

Safety Simon Says

Be Safe and Be Well

