Easter Sunday Frequency Activation Event - Don't Miss it!

Apr 04, 2021 9:12 am


Bliss Inducing Toning Meditation Masterclass with David Sereda

Set your alarm for 9am Pacific / Noon Eastern / 5pm GMT (April 4, 2021)

We are gathering on Easter Sunday, 2021

to activate the energies of ascension!


During the April Fools Day Lazarus Initiative launch, we anchored the energy that the tide has turned and the joke is on the Deep State. Now, on Easter Sunday, we begin the collective frequency activation process to initiate our Global Frequency Activation Project.




During the Lazarus Initiative launch event, one of our featured experts, David Sereda, offered every member of our community access to one of his Washington Monument Frequency generator recordings, which is a toning and meditation process, which you can add to your ascension daily practice.


The response to this was MASSIVE. Therefore, we have decided to offer an Easter Sunday masterclass with David to train as many people as possible in the practice of David's bliss inducing toning meditation.


Be sure to join the masterclass LIVE HERE:


Please find below your downloadable 7 minute Washington Monument Frequency Generator (which you can use to practice the toning meditation after the event in your own time):


During the event, David will take you through a tutorial to learn how to leverage these frequencies and activate your bliss. You will also learn how to claim some amazing bonus content which David has kindly offered all those who join the NewEarth Tribe as a Lazarus Initiative Inner Circle Member, which goes live soon!

The sample recording you have been given access to is part of a larger collection of recordings called The WASHINGTON MONUMENT SET (four frequency generators - a short male/female frequency set and a longer 33 minute and 33 second male/female frequency set to balance the male and female energies within you and to harness the energies of bliss and ascension that are available at this time). This complete collection of frequency generators are available for everyone who joins the NewEarth Tribe as a Lazarus Initiative Member.

We look forward to having you join us on the live stream.

If you can't join live be sure to watch the recording there are some very special offers that are only available for a very limited time...

Arise Homo Sapiens!
