What's the best livestream cam for under $1500?

May 17, 2023 2:03 pm

Sony? Blackmagic? Canon? Etc etc

When it comes time to buy a new camera for your church the blessing and curse of options is a real thing. Honestly, you can get great results from just about every camera manufacturer, but in this video I tell you my fav.

Watch the Video Here

Here are a few of it's top features:

  • Sensor Stabilization
  • Full size HDMI
  • Battery Life
  • Lens Options
  • Nice colors out of the box
  • Double as Photography Cam
  • Custom Mode Recalls (in case someone screws up your settings)
  • Synchro Scan to help with Screen Banding issues

I love this camera, but it does have a couple drawbacks. Check out the video and let me know what your fav is in the comments.

Keep doing great things for God's glory,

