Motivation for your Running - RunArnoRun Newsletter

Feb 18, 2022 1:19 am

Need some motivation for your running?

This month I have some extra motivation for you in the form of a Virtual run. The 2022 RunArnoRun Virtual Scavenger Run. You can run between February 18th and 20th and by collecting points you can win prizes, one of which is a Black-Board.

For more info on the run check out my video:

Runs are back on!

Here in The Netherlands they just announced that all restrictions will be gone and races are allowed again, so we can look forward to the spring run season now. Also traveling to other countries has become a little easier, including to the UK, so it looks like I might be able to visit Run Fest Run in May.

Little Break

I've been out running again finally, but after my second run my knee started hurting again. Looks like I'm back to just doing more exercises for now and waiting a little longer to build up my running again. I'll keep you posted on how that goes.

Running for Rhinos

I'll be running the London Marathon this year for Save the Rhino and will be raising money for them. If you would like to donate, here is the page where you can do that:
