Spanish Newsletter #2 - El Ajolote: Tesoro Mexicano
Jul 04, 2024 11:00 am
¡Hola amig@!
This month I´m going to talk about Axolotl, this cute animal who probably you never hear about it, .
Este mes voy a hablar del Ajolote, este hermoso animal del que probablemente nunca has oído.
Remember that this Newsletter includes an audio in Spanish so you can practise listening while you are reading. (Find the link at the left top in the Document)
Recuerda que este boletín incluye un audio en Inglés, asi que puedes practicar con el audio mientras estás leyendo. (Encuentra el link al final de la primer página, del lado izquierdo)
Please let me know if you have any questions, suggestions or a specific topic that you would like to practise with. I would be happy to hear from you.
Don't forget to tell your friends and family who are interested in learning Spanish so I can share this with them. It would be incredible if you help me to build this community.
(No Spam, I promise!)
You are awesome ¡¡¡
Ruth Rodríguez Pujalte
WhatsApp: +1 (781) 513-7220