The life blood of an author's career

Feb 18, 2023 1:56 pm

Happy Saturday!

At the beginning of the week I took to the sky for a short break with the beloved, over in Ireland. We went there last year for my 40th and thought, ‘well let's do this every year to celebrate me getting one step closer to death.’

Alright…I thought that, the missus just loves the traditional Irish music they play in near enough every pub we venture in, and it is nice to get away for a few days after the onslaught of Christmas and three of the kid’s birthdays landing in December and January.

This has meant I haven’t done much writing this past week, but I’m back on it, re-editing book 4 in my Lad-Lit Series, as well as writing a Lad-lit xmas novella, and a new series starter retelling of Peter Pan for my R.J.Radcliffe pen name…and also researching Jesus! Or more specifically Yeshua, which was his actual Hebrew name as far as I can so far tell. This particular research is for book 4 in my Divine Chronicles Series which will also be due out at Christmas, and spoiler alert, there isn’t a bloody manger in sight.

It has always been a bit of a struggle juggling two pen names at once, and that is why I’ve been concentrating on Rob Radcliffe during my relaunch of the books, because I have written more under that name and in that genre, but I’ll be back on track pretty soon. I have a massive marketing plan which spans the next two years, and hopefully by that time a decent amount of readers on both sides of the fence.

That being said, I’m busy again. Just before the trip I helped publish a new author which was a lot of fun, I always love working with newbies, and I also launched my Kickstarter Campaign for book 3 in the lad-Lit series, Barman.  Things have so far gone really well. As of this morning the campaign is 147% funded with another 12 days to go. You can check out the Campaign below.

Barman's Kickstarter Campaign

Amazon have been tweaking their algorithms once again. As an author with books on this site, we usually find out about their tweaking by it having some adverse affect on ads we may be running or visibility in general. It is never well received, but sometimes, just sometimes, something happens which benefits the author (remember, we are not Amazon’s customer. We are vendors supplying our wares to readers, who are Amazon’s and our own customers).

My novel Meat Market has had around 300 reviews next to it since Christmas and I’ve always been proud of this, and the mostly positive feedback I’ve had from readers for the book. Two days ago the algorithm was tweaked again and for some reason I found the book with 700+ reviews on the UK store and around 600 reviews on the US store.


I don’t know. I’ve asked around and it is something to do with Amazon compiling reviews from different stores…or something. Regardless of the reason I welcomed these historical reviews, the more the better. This morning I woke up to this total now being 1149 reviews for the UK store, and 890 US.


This is fantastic and a reminder that there have been plenty of readers out there who have enjoyed this book. It’s both humbling and exciting knowing my stories continue to reach readers who love them and gives me a massive Gee-up when I’m sometimes procrastinating.

If you have read and reviewed Meat in the past, a huge thank you to you. Reviews really are the life blood of us authors.

And it is back to the grindstone for me.

Feel free to say hi, I always love chatting to peeps.

Best wishes,

Rob x   
