Two Reminders....

May 29, 2020 9:52 pm

Hey hey,

Do you have any plans for the weekend? This weekend in our community there's an event called Kick it to Curb - it's where you can declutter and put out items you're no longer interested in having out to the curb to let others find your treasures. Of course, it's important to keep all health & safety recommendations in place, though we're lucky where we live and this pandemic hasn't hit us as hard as many other communities.

What are you up to? Hit reply and let me know, I always get a little giddy when I get messages from my subscribers.

Anyway, on to why I was writing. I two VERY important reminders to share with you today, both disappear in a few days but I didn't want you to miss out...

Join the Unboring Coaching Program. If you're looking for a place that embraces your weird and you're ready for coaching that goes beyond the basics in a fun and different way then you'll want to become a member of the Unboring Coaching program.

I joined in November last year and honestly it's the exact kind of coaching I've been seeking. Both Jason and Caroline are generous, supportive, funny and creative it has helped to spark my creativity and I have some pretty awesome things coming your way soon.

Join the Unboring Coaching Program here

Get your Gbird Fire Sale Bundle. I've shared a bit about Kelly McCausey's nephew, Garret and the rare form of cancer that he's currently fighting. His treatment is expensive and he can only get treatment in two places in the world. Kelly's helping to raise money to help Gbird get the treatment to hopefully save his life.

The bundle is AMAZING and there's over $5,000 worth of products both business & life related products. Please take a look and if there's something there that you could use, considering buying the bundle to help Garret.

Get your bundle here

That's it for today, have a great weekend. Stay safe and enjoy some down time.

Renee Shupe

Chief Redhead & Geek in Charge

Geek in Your Pocket

Curious what I'm doing right now? Click here.
