Ashta Lakshmi Reiki Workshop Updates

Apr 30, 2024 3:46 pm


First and foremost, Happy Maharashtra Day to all of you who are from this beautiful state! I hope this day brings you joy and pride in our rich cultural heritage.

I wanted to update you regarding our planned workshop. After considering various factors, including the availability of many of our students who are not available due to their scheduled holidays, unsuitable timing for others, and the overall fewer registrations, I've decided to change the format a bit.

Instead of conducting live sessions, we will proceed with the workshop as planned but through pre-recorded content.This way, everyone can participate at their own pace and convenience, ensuring that no one misses out due to scheduling conflicts.

Here's how you can access the course:

I have prepared a detailed video to guide you through the process. This will help you understand how to navigate through the course materials effectively.

Click Here to Watch the Video

Course Registration Link:

Click Here to Register for Ashta Lakshmi Reiki

Coupon code: ALR10

Since you have already paid, just add the coupon code ALR10 at registration to gain access to all the resources. 

Additionally, we have a dedicated WhatsApp group for this course. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to ask in the group. This will be a great place for real-time help and to connect with fellow students.

Please do not forget to check your daily emails for updates on the course and additional resources.

Thank you for your understanding.

Reiki Blessings,

