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Mar 27, 2022 6:05 pm



They had no future together; no life-long relationship on the verge of budding up after all these years. No wild and crazy sex in the hay for that matter, either. Kyle would never leave his ranch or Bandera, Texas, and she certainly wasn’t about to stay.


Can a Daddy’s love tempt her to stay in the small town she fled?

Calliope Clark escaped from her hometown of Bandera, Texas, never planning to look back. But making it as a professional ballerina in a big city is tougher than she’d imagined. When her father calls to dump the responsibility for the family farm on her shoulders, Calliope returns home to sell it—quickly.

Kyle Harris has loved the delicate dancer living on the acreage next door for years. Sure, he wants to buy the land, but he’ll do anything to make sure this second chance to have Calli in his life as his Little girl doesn’t slip through his fingers. He’s been a Daddy in his heart since before she left. Now that she’s back, can he convince her that a Daddy’s love is worth sticking around for?

3.99 on Amazon or FREE in KU!

“You’re lying,” she said again.

“I’ll never lie to you, Little girl.” His smile hadn’t faded, but his tone held such an underlying note of authority that she actually shivered. “That’s a promise. And I don’t recommend you lie to me either, unless you’re aching to find out what a bar of soap tastes like, or how awful Daddy’s belt can be.”



The ballerina in her took control. She turned the plate until the salad was towards her and she bit into that first. "This is good. Can I have some more?"

"Farmers cannot live on salads alone," Kyle said, noticing when she scooped up the last of the green leaves and stuffed it in her mouth without dressing. "So long as you eat some of this pasta and definitely some of the meatballs, then yes. You need protein to heal."

"Pasta is fattening, and so is red meat," she countered.

"This from a girl who could pound down three of Burger Barn's biggest sandwiches and four pounds of fries all on your own?"

"There was a reason I was the chubbiest ballerina in the troop." Picking up her slice of garlic toast, she dropped it onto his plate instead. "I'm not that girl anymore, Kyle."

"You've gone vegetarian?"

She snorted. "Not even close. I still like the occasional burger—or the occasional spaghetti dinner, for that matter—I'm just a little more careful about how much of it I eat. That's all."

Getting up, he went to retrieve a bowl of mixed greens which he'd no doubt poured straight out of the bag. She shook her head and focused on helping herself to the mixture. Leave it to Kyle to have noticed her burger addiction. Had he been watching her that closely?

She made a face, but she didn't change her food choices. She had no intention of going back to New Jersey chubby once her dad’s place was sold. It would take too long to diet it back off again, and she had the possibility of a role coming up in the fall. A very slim possibility. For every opening in that dance production, there were at least forty other dancers, all of whom were at least as good as she was, if not better.

She sighed at her plate as he heaped on more greens, certain she'd be scooping ice cream until the day she died. A wanna-be dancer in her heart, if nowhere else.

"So," Kyle said as he held up a bottle of Ranch dressing, which he promptly put back down again when she shook her head. He sat down. "What made you think about coming back?"

She shrugged. "Oh, I don't know. My dad still has the gift of gab. He managed to convince me to come back no matter how many times I said no."

"He's sure good at that." Kyle chuckled again. "I was trying to make him an offer to buy, but instead he got me to promise I'd help teach you how to run this place." He shook his head, laughing soft under his breath as he twined saucy noodles around his fork tines.

But there it was. The ball firmly lobbed into her court. He'd made his desire known; he wanted to buy her father's ranch. Actually, she supposed it was hers to sell. If she wanted to sell, this was the time to do it. How easy it would be to drop on the table between them, How much are you offering? All she had to do after that was accept, and she could go home, back to New Jersey, and her completely unfulfilling job at the ice cream shop because her dream of dancing sure wasn't working out. She worked thirty-eight hours a week so the owners wouldn't have to pay her full-time benefits. Where all her coworkers were high-school kids, and even her supervisor was younger than she was.

"You looking for all of it, part of it, just the cattle?" Setting her fork down on her plate, she flopped back in her seat and looked at him. “Unfortunately, if all you're looking for is the land with the ponds, I got a feeling the value on the rest of the place will go down real quick. I don't think I can do that."

"Nor would I ask you to." Dropping his fork, Kyle wiped his mouth with his napkin and sat back in his chair too. "Is there a mortgage still on the place?"

Having taken a look at the papers last night, she knew there was. That would also affect the sale price and the attractiveness of the land. She had to make at least enough on the sale to cover the half-million dollars still left on the mortgage her dad had taken out two years ago.

"Yes, there's a mortgage," she said, forcing herself to hold his gaze. "But the farm equipment comes with, and most of that is new. So does the cattle. It's an all-in-one package, preferably. Whatever you don't want, you can always sell and make back some of what you spend. Even with just the land, this is a four million dollar spread, and you know it. Even an hour out of Dallas and in this small of a town."

He nodded, a corner of his mouth curling up. "I'm not looking to cheat you. Let me crunch some numbers and see if I can't come up with a decent proposal." He winked. "And for the record, I'll be making an offer on the whole thing—land, cattle, ponds..."

When he paused, for just a second Calliope was sure he was about to add her to the list.

He didn't; he just looked at her, said, “'I'll be fair," and picked up his fork again.


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But wait, you say, this is the second book in the Stateside Doms series. What was the first book?

Oh you are in such luck. For the next two days, the first Stateside Dom book, Her Montana Master is being offered for FREE! Need a copy? Just follow this link!

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Pepper North

Ever just gone for it? That's what USA Today Bestselling Author Pepper North did in 2017 when she posted a book for sale on Amazon without telling anyone. Thanks to her amazing fans, the support of the writing community, Mr. North, and a killer schedule, she has now written more than 70 books!

Enjoy contemporary, paranormal, dark, and erotic romances that are both sweet and steamy? Pepper will convert you into one of her loyal readers. What's coming in the future? A Daddypalooza!

Find Pepper here:

Ever just gone for it? That's what USA Today Bestselling Author Pepper North did in 2017 when she posted a book for sale on Amazon without telling anyone. Thanks to her amazing fans, the support of the writing community, Mr. North, and a killer schedule, she has now written more than 80 books!

Enjoy contemporary, paranormal, dark, and erotic romances that are both sweet and steamy? Pepper will convert you into one of her loyal readers. What's coming in the future? A Daddypalooza!

Find Pepper here:

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Maren Smith

Fortunate enough to live with my Daddy Dom, I am a Little, coffee fanatic, dog and cat mom, was an administrator for six years at my local BDSM dungeon, and have since become a Utah resident and submissive to the love of my life. An International and USA Bestselling Author several times over, I have penned more than 160 novels, novellas and short stories, and am the author of the Masters of the Castle and Daddy’s Little series.

Find Maren here:

For more books, visit her Amazon Page

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Join her Facebooks groups, Dirty Daddies, Red Hot Romance Party Room, and/or Club Risque

Twitter: @AuthMarenSmith

