🔥NSFW🔥Can her new Daddy can finally free her from the weight of her past?

May 22, 2022 12:46 am


Sadly, we don't have fun little promo pics today. Our poor marketing assistant is have a procedure done on her hand today. So, we will endeavor to do our best to showcase these new books without them. :)

Who's ready for the next book in the Stateside Doms' series?


Tragedy ripped them apart. Chance brought them together again...

Now this Daddy just has convince his baby girl to trust him enough to stay...

A single lapse in judgment as a teenager, and Ashley Carter's life was never the same. Now a single mom barely scraping by on the meager tips from her job at The Apple Inn Cafe, she's desperate to see some kind of light at the end of the tunnel. Even if it turns out to be a train.

So when an old friend comes rolling back into town and offers her not only a place to stay but a brand new start far away from the disapproving stares and whispers of her hometown, she jumps at the chance to give her children the life they deserve. It all seems too good to be true — even if the offer comes with a list of rules and punishments that make her feel like a naughty little girl.

And maybe it is. Maybe after everything she's done, she doesn't deserve anything more than just barely surviving.

Or maybe her new Daddy can finally free her from the weight of her past, and show her how beautiful a future with him could be...


I wasn’t a one-night-stand type of guy. I definitely wasn’t a drunken one-night-stand-with-dubious-consent kind of guy.


“Ow! Ow! Stop!” I couldn’t keep myself from protesting even though deep down, I knew I didn’t want him to stop. Deep down, as much as it hurt, I kind of liked it.

It felt good knowing that I was being taken to task for things I usually just chucked into the bin of self-hatred, until I felt like I was buried under overwhelming regret and mistakes that I could never make up for. The list was never-ending. It wasn’t just the careful intention Dusty was using or the way that knowing I was being punished seemed to assuage my guilt. It also felt… damn good. I was ashamed but also intrigued by the fact that I was getting turned on as he spanked me. My pussy was slick with the juices of my arousal and my blood seemed to be warming in my veins, heating me from the inside out.

I was actually starting to enjoy myself before he started the lecture.

“In my home, Ashley, self-destructive behavior like drinking yourself into a blacked-out stupor will not be tolerated. And that’s not even to mention leaving your kids at home alone for hours at night to fend for themselves. And what if the man coming home with you wasn’t me? Your kids could have been in danger, and you would have had no idea. You could have been in danger.”

His aim moved lower, to the very bottom of my ass, and he started spanking anew. But it was his words that really stung. He was right. I was lucky. My kids were lucky, and if I continued on the way I was, the probability was high that someday I would bring the wrong man home and my luck would run out. I knew that better than anyone.

Tears pricked the corners of my eyes, and I began to cry. “I’m sorry,” I wailed. “I’ll do better. I won’t do it anymore.”

“I know you’re sorry, Ash. I’m going to try to make sure you think twice about doing anything like that again.”

“I will, I promise!” My pleas fell on empty ears as he moved his aim again. The next swat fell across the undercurve of my ass, that tender strip of skin where thigh meets butt.

“Promises are easy to make,” Dusty retorted. “I need to make sure.”

“Yes, Sir.”

He tucked me against him, lifting his leg to lay it over the top of mine until I was trapped.

He stopped lecturing and I had nothing left to focus on but the pain. It hurt so bad. Every swat was like someone was holding a match to my ass and just letting it burn.

And it felt good. Cleansing. Shame at the situation filled me, burning my cheeks, but the bigger shame wasn’t in the fact that I was over Dusty’s knee getting spanked like a naughty child; it was why I was there. I knew he was right. I self-sabotaged. It was my main modus operandi, or MO. My kids deserved better. I deserved better. I just hadn’t believed it because nobody else seemed to. And then Dusty came along.

$4.99 on Amazon/FREE on KU!

Look at this! We've got Book 2 in Rayanna Jamison's Three Rivers series!


Ten years ago with their future hanging in the balance, Terri disappeared, leaving the man she loved to rot behind bars for a crime he didn't commit.

Now she's back in Three Rivers and he's out of jail, but neither one of them are the same people they once were.

Can they take this second chance at love and forge a new kind of future together?

"I know things between us are moving fast, and with as much history and connection as we have I don't want them to slow down."



Sensing that she was still uneasy, I grabbed her hand again and held it in mine. "What is it?"


"You know how you said if we were going to… fall into… our old roles we should just let it happen naturally?"


I nodded.


"Well, I don't know how to make it happen naturally. I just know that I want it to happen."


Overwhelming relief flooded my body and I deflated like a balloon. I hadn't even realized how tense I was until I wasn't. "I know that, too."


"So can we? Can we go back to the way things were before? Can you be my daddy? Can I be your babygirl?" Her voice was barely above a whisper and I had to strain to hear her.


"Terri, you've always been my babygirl."


She blushed and giggled. "And you've always been my daddy, so why are we fighting it?"


"I don't know," I answered honestly. "We won't anymore."


She stared at me expectantly.




"Do it then. Be my daddy. Say something… daddy-like."


Oh geez. Nothing like being put on the spot. I racked my brain for something to say. A bossy daddy type thing. Something to reprimand her for, teasingly or otherwise, and came up short. The last week had been perfectly idyl[1]lic. We had been in sync every minute of every day. I couldn't think of a damn thing. So I blurted out the first thing that came into my mind.


"Suck my cock," I commanded, groaning inwardly as soon as I said it. Cliche much?


I opened my mouth to take it back, but Terri's eyes had lit up, she was licking her lips and she was already reaching for the waistband of my sweats. Before I could process, she had my cock out and her hands wrapped around it.


"Yes, Daddy," she whispered before closing her lips over my shaft. Immediately, she began to stroke me with her mouth, fondling my balls and massaging my length with her tongue. Groaning, I stopped her with a hand on the back of her head.


"Not like that." I shifted my body on the couch so she would be able to lay beside me with her head in my lap. "Just hold it in your mouth. Suck on it like you would a pacifier. Warm Daddy’s cock with your lips."


For a moment she pulled away and looked at me, surprise on her face. Slowly she nodded and adjusted her body to better follow my directions, wrapped her lips around the head of my cock and just laid there face first in my crotch.


"Suck it, babygirl," I whispered. "Gently."

It took her a moment to get comfortable with sucking the way one might a pacifier or a baby bottle. The action was undoubtedly new to her. I might call her babygirl, but a Little Terri was not.

$3.99 on Amazon/FREE on KU!



Coming May 31...

I'm a tough as nails nurse who spends long hours in the operating room.

When a work related accident sidelines me and I'm the one having to rely on others, it leaves me fumbling.

My need to take care of others and not always myself gets the attention of not one but two of my childhood crushes.

They dote on me, providing a safe place to recuperate while raining down their love and affection.

Their stern handling of me leaves me wanting me more, but can the three of us forgive past mistakes and become a family?

$3.99 on Amazon/FREE on KU!

imageComing June 3...

A woman with a past. A man guarding his future. It's the perfect arrangement — until it isn't.

Trust is the one commodity Zeren Demir can't afford to waste. And when it comes to the women lining up to be the next Mrs. Demir, he refuses to spare an ounce of it.

Until he meets Marian, a woman who guards her heart more closely than Zeren guards his fortune. The contract they sign at the exclusive Club Zella seems like the perfect answer for both of them. Zeren can punish and pleasure his gorgeous new submissive at his whim without risking more than he's willing to pay.

But with every scene, he grows more invested in learning the secrets she keeps so carefully tucked away. By the time he is through, he'll know everything there is to know about Marian Jenkins — or he'll lose her forever.

$4.99 on Amazon/FREE on KU!

imageBook 3 in the Three Rivers series, coming soon...

Kilches King finally meets his match.

The only problem?

She's running against him for Mayor.

$3.99 on Amazon/FREE on KU!

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