Sep 13, 2021 2:02 am


imageForgive me, Father...

Empty words I've heard more than I care to count. But from sweet, innocent Carmen, they are a temptation I cannot ignore.

It is my duty to guide her. To correct her.

She will repent for her sins over my knee, until her naughty little bottom is aching and hot to the touch. And when she cries out to Daddy for forgiveness, I will be the one to grant it.

I will give her everything her soul desires... even if it means damning my own.



When a woman like Skye Ballard asks a man to fulfill her wildest fantasies, only a fool would say no.

And I'm certainly no fool.

I've promised to train her, to mold her into the perfect submissive. But the idea of watching her submit to anyone else becomes more unbearable with each session, until I'm forced to face a difficult truth.

I want Skye for my own. And if I have to break her before she finally yields to me, then that's exactly what I will do.



How about a couple more excerpts from the authors of Dirty Daddies?

Bought by Daddy by Brianna Hale, available only in Dirty Daddies 2021 Anthology!

I reach up and touch my throat. I’m wearing one of the chokers. I exchange terrified glances with some of the other girls.

“What’s going to happen to us?” one of them chokes out.

Nothing good.

A few minutes later, the bouncer comes for me. I’m dragged out of the dark room and into blinding white light. My heart hammers in my chest as I sense rather than see dozens of hungry eyes on me.

A cool female voice speaks over a loudspeaker. “Lot one-one-seven. Brunette. Five-foot-six. One hundred and twenty pounds. Virgin. An orphan with no family ties. No friends who will look for her.”

My throat burns with tears as she gleefully describes just how little the world cares about me.




The faceless men in the crowd stare coldly back at me, seeming to say, Why did you ever think you be anything?

A piece of fuckable meat. That’s what Baseball Bat Guy called me. 

Something inside me breaks. Everyone’s been laughing at me all this time behind my back. Zac. Mr. Ventura. My coach. Jack and Hannah. She thought she could be someone? Hasn’t she figured that out yet? She’s no one.

I reached for a handhold to pull myself up and everyone’s been standing above me and laughing at my struggles this whole time.

I stare out across the sea of people, my face blank as my heart shatters into a million little pieces.

“The bidding starts at ten thousand dollars.”

My brain automatically does the calculation. Two sets of premium figure skating blades. That’s what my life is worth.

A few bids are made. The prices goes up in one thousand dollar increments until finally a voice rings across the room, deep and… vaguely familiar?

“One hundred thousand dollars...”

Sunday Night Daddy by Emily Tilton, available only in the Dirty Daddies 2021 Anthology.

The climax washed over me, my limbs jerking with its contractions. My daddy pulled his cock from my mouth and raised me up to my knees, while the aftershocks still gripped my body. He stripped my dress off, over my head, and, naked, I clung to his naked body, the wicked pleasure coursing through every part of me.

I still had my Sunday night panties on, but they were just a tangle around my legs, just above my knees. Something told me my daddy wanted to keep them there while he fucked me, and that thought made me shudder as another wave of pleasure and shame and arousal seemed to crest inside me, then break outward from my tummy and over my whole body.

Mr. France picked me up off the bed, and again I had the flying feeling, as if in contact with my daddy's body I could just float up in to the air, soar away from the imperfect world that let powerful men buy girls for their lewdest whims. The thought made me whimper, and struggle a bit. For an instant I pretended to myself that if I could wriggle out of Mr. France's strong arms, I would have the magic ability to swim through the air and then to fly out his bedroom window into the night. I would escape for good, and no one would ever spank me again, or make me suck a man's cock, or fuck my bottom.

But as my daddy murmured, "Shh," and turned me so that he could put me back down, on my knees facing away from him. He put firm pressure on my back to bend me over, my face in the softness of the comforter. He held my wrists behind me in one hand and used the other to place the head of his huge, rigid manhood right at the warm entrance to my virgin pussy… and my naughty resistance vanished. My daddy's cock pressed in a little, and I gave a sob from deep in my chest.

Mr. France shifted his grip to hold my wrists in both his strong hands, pressing them against my hips.

"Daddy's going to fuck you now, sweetheart..."


Available for a limited time, this collection of twenty-five sexy-as-sin romances star Daddy Doms who demand obedience and require your total surrender.

Whether you like Cowboy Daddies, Dark Daddies, Doctor Daddies, Stern Daddies, Shifter Daddies, Alien Daddies, or LGTBQ Daddies, there is a Daddy waiting for you. This deliciously naughty collection of all-new stories, penned by some of the best authors in the genre, is bursting with HOT, raw Daddy Dom action that’s sure to leave you breathless.

Don’t Keep Your Daddy Waiting…

Available in Kindle, Apple, and Barnes & Noble!


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