🔥NSFW🔥What if I surrender it all, and he turns out just like my father?

Jun 15, 2022 6:31 pm



“We’ll be partners, Charlotte. I might have a slight majority over you, but I’ll never ask you to do something without explanation, and I won’t ask you to sacrifice yourself for my benefit.”


imageA woman fighting for independence. A man who craves control. A love that will force them to meet in the middle, or risk losing it all...

When I left my father's house, I swore I would never be ruled by another man. My choices, my mistakes, would all be my own, for better or worse.

Until I meet Tobin. Cocky, successful, and sexy in that scruffy, rough around the edges kind of way. As reluctant as I am to let another man run my life, I desperately need help getting my spending habits under control. And it doesn't hurt that being taken over his knee for a well-deserved punishment does things to my body I've never felt with any other man.

But a part of me still fears giving him too much control. How could I ever forgive myself if I surrender it all and he turns out to be just like my father? Or, somehow, even worse...

I wondered what a “just for fun” spanking might look like if Tobin gave me one.



“You tried to punish a woman you just met? A woman who was here for a business meeting with you?” He chuckled again, then sobered. “Seriously, Toby, what if she tells people what happened? How’s that going to look for the farm?”


“It’s Walker’s Grove, Dad. That’s the way things work around here,” I said, dismissing his concern.


“This woman has made you lose your mind, Tobin,” he barked. That made me sit up and pay attention. “For one thing, not everyone in Walker’s Grove incorporates discipline into their marriages and families. Sure, a lot of people do, but we’ve had quite a few new folks move into town over the last five years, this woman being one of them. Second, are you or are you not trying to rebrand the farm and grow our sales outside the area? How would it look if people found out you tried to spank one of our vendors? Do you think those fancy businesses in Ellicottville or the bigger stores in Olean will want to do business with us? They’ll probably be concerned you’ll assault any woman they send out here!”


Though he wasn’t yelling, each word came out harsher than the last, drilling what he was saying firmly into my brain. Even though he’d given me control of the farm a few years ago when he partially retired, he was still an integral part of the business, and I took his opinions seriously.


As my father continued to list all the ways I’d screwed up, I began to wonder if I would even still have a business left after Charlotte Winslow told people what happened earlier.


“How could you do this, Tobin?” he asked once he’d finished his tirade.


That was a good question.


“I don’t know. I was attracted to her and had planned to ask her to dinner after our meeting, so I guess I was looking at her as a potential girlfriend and not a business associate.”


“Even if you wanted to date her, you still don’t spring discipline on a woman the first time you meet them,” he replied incredulously. Like I was an idiot.


“Don’t you? You always said to make it clear how I want things from the beginning, so I don’t waste my time,” I shot back, knowing I was being argumentative for no reason. I knew he was right, even though I didn’t want to admit it.


My father had never looked more exasperated with me in all my twenty-six years of life. Not even when I’d backed the tractor into the barn.


“Not before you even have a conversation! The poor woman was barely in here for ten minutes before I heard her storm out and run to her car. And you don’t try to punish a woman who hasn’t consented to it. That’s not how it works.”


I knew that.


I’d been with a girl from Walker’s Grove in college. She knew what I expected from the get-go, so while we talked about it and she agreed, it wasn’t a big deal. It was just how things were. But I knew consent was the most important thing. Otherwise, it wasn’t discipline, it was abuse.


“Oh, god,” I groaned, rubbing my hands down my face as the full ramifications of my actions set in. “What did I do?”


“You saw a pretty girl and got cocky, that’s what you did. What did she do that you wanted to punish her for, anyway?” Dad asked, calmer now, but I could tell his mind was working out how to solve this problem.


“I startled her, and she copped an attitude. Then she assumed I was a farmhand and got all rude and snotty with me,” I explained.


“And you didn’t immediately tell her who you were so she could dig her hole deeper?” he guessed.


“Yeah,” I admitted because that’s exactly what I did. I could have introduced myself right away, but instead I’d let her believe I was just a random employee until I could do a surprise reveal of my identity.


“Jeez, Toby, you really screwed the pooch on this one,” Dad said with a sigh and then went off on another rant. “Once again, your ego has gotten you in hot water. You are not king shit just because our family has been around Walker’s Grove from the beginning. You are not god’s gift to women just because you’re attractive and smart. You’re just a man, like any other man. I thought you would have learned that by now.” We sat in silence for a few minutes—well, he was pacing the office while I studied my desktop—until he spoke again. “There’s only one thing to do here.” 


He came to a halt in front of my desk.


“What?” I asked, rubbing my eyes before focusing on him.


“You have to apologize to her. Beg her for forgiveness and try to get her to work with us again.”


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