Sep 25, 2021 2:58 am


The Dirty Daddies Anthology comes out in just four more days, and to celebrate we are having a huge prize hop this weekend! There are so many cool prizes up for grabs including gift cards to Amazon and Build A Bear, signed paperbacks, and fun swag! You can also enter to win the GRAND PRIZE- a Dirty Daddies Anthology Paperback bundle that includes copies of the following anthologies: 2020, 2021, and PRIDE!



imageOld friends. New flames. Dangerous consequences.

Reunions with childhood friends should be filled with nostalgia and funny, embarrassing stories.

Not sexual tension so hot it threatens to set fire to an entire forest.

But that’s exactly what Mark Quinn discovers when he heads out to a remote campsite with his high school best friend, Stan and his sweet, sassy girlfriend Gina. And if coming to terms with his feelings for two of his oldest friends wasn’t enough, someone is targeting the residents of Peaceful once again. The Quinn family must band together one final time to take down their enemies once and for all, or risk losing everything.

Every Quinn Quartet novel has a stand-alone romance story and an interconnected plot. For new readers, we advise you to start with Delving Deep for a complete understanding of the overall story arc and the family dynamics. We hope you'll enjoy this final installment set in Peaceful, Ohio–where danger lurks beneath the peaceful façade.



imageCan an opinionated reporter convince a part-time politician/farmer to dig into a mystery that threatens his Peaceful life?

She is far too stubborn and feisty for his tastes. He is too controlling and domineering for hers. When they meet sparks fly but it could never work.

He wants a perfect submissive wife, who will be a help in daily life and a vixen between the sheets.

She wants an equal partner, not someone with his head stuck in the 1950s.

When they are thrown together to uncover a dangerous scandal in their small town, they will finally give in to their mutual attraction.

But will it last? Can he love a woman who challenges him at every turn? Can she love a man who demands her complete submission?


imageFour dragon lords. One virgin sacrifice.

When my village sacrifices me to the dragons, I go willingly to the Altar Rock to die.

But I don’t die.

I wake up in a castle built into a huge mountain. House Fra’Hir is one of many castles in the Drakoryan Empire. It is here I learn the truth — that women like me aren’t taken away to be devoured, but to be mated.

My mates, four sons of a dragon knight slain in the last battle of the ShadowFell, are unique both in personality and carnal abilities. They introduce me to the world of pleasure. In their bed chambers, they prepare me with masterful skill for the final, ultimate bond that will make me truly theirs.

But I am no passive mate, and the secret they keep from me threatens not only our bond, but the role I am prophesied to play in stopping a lurking danger that threatens the Drakoryan and human world alike.

Read Sacrifice Today!
