🔥NSFW🔥 Don't worry, Daddy's got you now...

Nov 12, 2021 8:56 am



“What’s with the counting?”

“I’m counting the sets of ten swats I’m going to land on your pretty round ass for every insult you give yourself.”


Kimber Callahan was once in a loving daddy dom relationship, or so she thought. Eighteen years later, she realizes it was a lie. Her marriage is broken, along with her sense of self worth as a partner and a submissive.

Starting over isn’t easy, but the 45-year-old is determined to move past the hurt with the help of a new job and some much needed therapy.

At fifty, Eric Kelly has never found a woman he could click with. That changes when he hires Kimber. The attraction is instant. But when a miscommunication reveals some deeply personal information about Kimber, she quits in humiliation.

Eric isn’t about to let her go. He suspects this may be the woman he’s waited all his life for. Can he convince a woman whose inner little one has been shattered to take a chance on a new daddy dom?

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“You have nothing to worry about. Daddy’s got you.”



“Actually, I do have a question.”


“Okay.” I look up from my sushi.


“Are you dating anyone?”


Silence hangs between us, and I must look frightened, confused, or both because he rushes to apologize.


“I’m sorry…” he says.


“Don’t be.” The words are out before I stop them.


“Look.” He puts his wine glass down and sighs. “I would never have said this when you were with the company. And I really hope you don’t think I’m a creep, but I liked you the instant I met you and thought maybe since you’re technically a freelancer our next dinner could be a date at a nice restaurant instead of takeout in your kitchen. That is, if you’re interested.”


God, yes, I’m interested. But then I remember Melinda’s warning. I look down at the table, flushing and unable to meet his eyes. “I’d love to as long as it’s genuine interest and not because I’m just some… novelty.”


“Novelty?” I look up to see him shaking his head. “Why would you think that?”


“Because of the email. I must have sounded really”—I don’t want to say the word but can’t think of a better one—“kinky.”


He takes a sip of his wine and regards me in a way that makes me fidget. “Well, I must be kinky, too, because that email really resonated. There’s a reason I’m still single. I’ve never been able to find someone compatible with my wants and needs. I mean, I know there are probably places to meet women who would mesh with me, but I didn’t think I’d ever find one in the real world–especially not a woman in my field who’s smart and pretty, and close to my age.”


When I don’t say anything, he leans forward. “Kimber. Tell me what you’re thinking.”


My belly quivers, not just because of his words but the way he delivers them. There’s a firmness to them. It’s an iron command wrapped in velvet.


“You know my story,” I say. “Or at least some of it.” A small lump forms in my throat. I swallow it and continue. “When I was married, I gave myself to Kevin. He started as my Dom, but that relationship grew into something deeper. He…” I look down. “He was a Daddy Dom. Do you know what that is?”


“I do now,” he says. “I’ve been researching this stuff for the last week.”


I look up, surprised. “Wait. You’re not already in the lifestyle?”


He shakes his head. “No. But the more I read, the more I realize this is exactly what I’ve been looking for.”


I hear Melinda’s words in my head. Someone like you is just going to be a novelty to a guy like that. I close my eyes.


“Oh, okay. You want me to be your experiment.” I stand up and walk away from the table. My hands are shaking, and I tuck them into my armpits as I turn my back to Eric. I hear his chair scrape against the floor as he pushes away from the table. I tense as he moves behind me. He stands there for a moment, and then I feel his hands on my shoulders as he gently turns me to face him. “Hey, look at me.”


His tone is kind, but I can’t. My eyes are on the floor. I don’t want him to see the tears already welling in them.


“Kimber, please.” He gently puts his finger under my chin, slowly tilting it up. “First of all, your ex? I don’t have to know him to realize he’s a total asshole who left you betrayed and hurt. And I get what that can do to a person. You’re guarded. You don’t know me that well, so there’s no way you can know I’ve done nothing but think about you since you walked into my office for an interview. I was interested in you even before I read that email, but we were co-workers and that put limits on what I could do or say.” He sighs. “But since learning more about you, I’ve had this desire… no… this need to get to know you better. To protect you. And I get that you may think it sounds crazy for a man you’ve known less than two months to stand in front of you and tell you he’s the one who wants to make it all better, but I’m that man.”

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About the Author

Ava Sinclair is a best-selling Amazon romance author who caters to readers who appreciate a plot driven book where the steamy sex complements the story, rather than overshadowing it.



A Little Secret

Tempting Daddy

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