🔥NSFW🔥 How do I tell him he takes care of everyone but me...

Dec 01, 2021 7:36 am



“Are you seriously telling me that the night you’re roaming the grounds and the Christmas presents get picked over happen to be the same night, but are not remotely connected?” 



When Kaylee, wife of the Castle’s infamous Master of the Masters, starts to feel like a third wheel in her own marriage, she knows she has to get her dominant husband’s attention. But when the problem proves impossible to talk about, will this mean the end of their marriage or will the magic of the season bring a last-minute Christmas miracle to the Castle?

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“Not for a second should you be thinking you’re off the hook. I’ve got my eye on you, and nothing escapes my knowledge forever.”



Sitting in the grass within a quiet nook of the inner castle wall, Kaylee scrubbed the tears from her eyes with the heels of her palms. She sniffled to keep back her runny nose and forced herself to stop crying.


Sitting beside her, hugging her knees to her chest with the burn scars on her shoulder flush up against Kaylee’s, Sara said, “Men are jerks. Even Doms.”


“Especially Doms,” Chelsea offered, sitting just as close on Sara’s other side. “I mean, seriously, the things I go through with Kade would blow your mind.”


“But they should be better than this!” Kaylee tearfully exploded. Between the Castle and the two stone walls, sound had a tendency to bounce and echo for quite a distance. It wasn’t just staff that she had to worry about eavesdropping on her. It was the other guests, too. It was always the other guests, and she bit the inside of her mouth to keep from dissolving back into tears. “To everyone else, they’re perfect. Why can’t he be like that with me? Why can’t he just... know... with me?”


Tsking, O, sitting to Kaylee’s left, stopped plucking the good-luck leaves off the clover in the grass and slung her arm around Kaylee’s shoulders. She side-hugged her. “It’s an illusion, honey. This place only seems perfect to people who never see behind the magic curtain. Our guys aren’t wizards. They’re just guys, and they do try to do their best. I’m pretty sure when all this is over, they’re going to be sorry as hell for having done—or not done—anything to make us sad.”


Privately, Kaylee thought so too, but that didn’t make her any less upset.


Sighing, Sara pinned her with a knowing look. “When was the last time you talked to him?”


Sniffling, Kaylee muttered, “I told him the staff fridge in the security breakroom was broken just last night.”


Sara smacked her friend’s knee. “I mean about real stuff, and you know it.”


“I can’t!” Kaylee exploded again, a little louder than before. Clapping a hand over her mouth, she forced herself to calm down.


There were other people out here. Just around the corner of the wall at her back, people were walking in the maze. Around back, the snow machine was going and Littles were having a snowball fight. She didn’t want any of them to overhear her. The last thing she wanted was to ruin anyone’s paid experience at the Castle with her silly problems.


“I’ve tried to tell him,” she said when at last she could get herself under control. “It’s so hard. How do you even start? He’s so tired when he gets off work. There are times when he’s used his arm so much, I have to Bengay his shoulder. I love him, but how do I tell him he takes care of everyone but me, when he’s stiff and sore from what he already does?”


“It starts with ‘I love you’ and ends with ‘we need to talk,’” O said, slightly exasperated. “I know it’s hard, but this lifestyle isn’t one that works if you won’t talk to him. Breakdowns in communication can happen in any relationship. Sometimes we get so busy with the day-to-day, we just lose track of what’s happening in the bedroom. That’s all.”


“Everyone needs a good ‘come to Jesus’ meeting with their significant other, even when he’s a dom,” Sara agreed.


“Especially when he’s a dom,” Chelsea added.


“Even when he’s the Master of the Masters.”


Sniffling, Kaylee wiped her eyes again and considered that. “Did I force you guys into this? Do you want to stop?”


O shook her head. “Nope.”


“Not a chance,” Chelsea said, hugging her again.


Sara was the only one who considered it. “No,” she ultimately decided. “I think this will be a good wake-up call for all of them. We take care of their needs; they take care of ours. Right now, we’ve got a need calling for their attention. If they haven’t figured it out already, then we have a right to get their attention in the best way we see fit. And really, who are we hurting?” Glancing at Kaylee, the scarred submissive playfully bumped shoulders with her best friend. “Except maybe ourselves.”

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About the Author

Fortunate enough to live with my Daddy Dom, I am a Little, coffee fanatic, dog and cat mom, was an administrator for six years at my local BDSM dungeon, and have since become a Utah resident and submissive to the love of my life. An International and USA Bestselling Author several times over, I have penned more than 160 novels, novellas and short stories, and am the author of the Masters of the Castle and Daddy’s Little series.


I also write under the names of Denise Hall, Darla Phelps, and Penny Alley.



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