🔥NSFW🔥Is it worse being on the wrong end of an April Fool's prank — or Daddy's paddle?

Apr 05, 2022 1:41 am




"Think what you like, but I’m planning to be the best daddy I can be and a big part of that is making sure you’re in excellent health, whether you like it or not."

imageAs the wife of one of the wealthiest men in the world, Trisha Tremont's life seems like a fairytale.

She's even learning to love her role as her husband's Little girl... even if it means she finds herself with a sore bottom more often than she would like.

But as much as she loves her new Daddy and the life they've built, she lives in constant fear of being exposed. Could a visit to Rawhide Ranch give her the chance she's been waiting for to turn the tables on New York's biggest gossip?

Or will Trisha find herself on the wrong end of an April Fool's prank — and her Daddy's paddle?

3.99 on Amazon or FREE in KU!

“Do not spit that out,” he warned, pointing his finger at her, “or you will be one very sorry babygirl.” 



Dinner was not her favorite. She hated asparagus and there was a big helping on her plate that daddy would insist she eat. The baked potato was fine, but she would rather have had french fries to go with her fish, another item she didn’t particularly care for, especially when it wasn’t breaded. Still, she kept quiet about it.

Daddy was quiet too. He seemed lost in thought.

“Is that the best you can do?” he finally asked when she began playing with her food, moving it around her plate.

“Yes, Daddy,” she answered. â€śI guess I’m not very hungry.”

He nodded and went on eating. Then he pointed to her glass of milk which she drank quickly. Once he was finished he rose, put everything back onto the rolling cart and pushed it into the hallway. Then he closed and locked the door. Trisha stayed at the table, her hands nervously plucking at the fringe of her short dress.

“All right little one, let’s go into the bathroom,” he said walking to the table.

“Aw Daddy, do we have to?” she almost wailed.

“Do you want to play with your new rocking horse tonight?” he asked.

“Yes,” she said defeatedly when he took hold of her arm and pulled her to her feet.

“Then we have to, and besides that, it’s necessary.”

“Why? I don’t see why,” she said knowing her protests would only make things worse.

“I have already explained this to you, more than once,” her daddy said sharply as he took her hand and towed her into the bathroom. “First of all, your health is of major concern to me. I never want to do anything that would hurt you in any real way.”

“But you spank me, and that hurts,” she pointed out sassily as he bent to remove the ruffled panties she wore under her outfit.

“I’ll concede that point, but it does no permanent damage, nothing that requires medical attention. Second of all, whenever we are going to engage in anal activities it’s best to keep you cleaned out. That will not change, Miss Mouthy! And there are also times I tend to you in this way because I believe it’s good for you, and possibly simply because I want too. Arguing with me will get you nothing more than a well-spanked bottom and a large enema. Is that what you want?” he asked as he lifted her to the table and placed her face down.

“No, Daddy,” she answered quietly, making no attempt to conceal her sniffles.

Trisha saw his smile when he leaned over to push her pretty dress up her back, leaving her naked from the middle of her back to her moccasins.

“You enjoy this, don’t you?” she hissed, glaring at him, her blue eyes flashing.

“Yes, god yes,” he replied. â€śThere’s no point in lying about it. I love having you right here,” he continued, patting her naked cheeks. â€śI adore it when you have to bend to my will, my judgement regarding what’s best for you. You’re my babygirl and daddy loves tending to your bottom. Truthfully, when you’re reluctant, it makes the entire process more delightful, so go ahead, naughty girl, and give me your worst. It won’t change a thing.

“You’re getting your temperature taken. That will be followed by a good, hot enema to make sure there is nothing blocking the way of the new attachment to your rocking horse. Then, once you’ve emptied your bowels, I’ll carry you to your changing table and make sure you’re in perfect condition to proceed. Think what you like, but I’m planning to be the best daddy I can be and a big part of that is making sure you’re in excellent health, whether you like it or not. You got that?”

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Like many authors, Markie Morelli didn’t take her writing career seriously until the last of her five children and two grandchildren had one foot out the door. The woman who was frequently seen with a book in one hand and a baby on her hip decided to take the plunge once the demands of motherhood and work eased up.

Markie lives in New York and is a firm believer that some of the best things in life happen after forty, and they don’t necessarily happen to the beautiful people. They happen to the average Joe and his slightly overweight wife with the messy bun in her hair and spaghetti sauce spattered on her sweatshirt. They happen to the couples, who have survived the trials and tribulations of marriage, know who they are, and are comfortable enough in their own skin to say what they really want out of life now that the kids are grown.

Her characters are not perfect. They stumble and falter, but in the end they often find out vanilla is not their only choice. There are a lot of flavors out there just waiting to be tasted.

Follow Markie Morelli on Amazon to stay up-to-date on new releases, or follow on Facebook where she posts everything, and I mean everything!

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