NSFW: She longed for him to fill her...

Oct 04, 2022 1:42 am


“You’ve been a bad little girl...”


imageHas Rawhide Ranch finally met its match?

Bobbi tries to be a good girl. Really. It's just that it's a lot more difficult for her than other people. Luckily for Bobbi, her Daddy is willing to invest lots of time and effort into helping her curb her bratty urges.

In fact, he's done so much research, he's become an expert on dealing with brats and wants to share his knowledge with other Mommies and Daddies. Which would be great, if it didn't mean interrupting all of Bobbi's plans for her absolute favorite holiday ever.

Now she's stuck spending her days with "grown ups" who just don't get her, and even her Daddy's firm discipline isn't enough to keep her brattiness under control. But something will need to give, and fast, before her Halloween hijinks ruin her Daddy's credibility—and their happily ever after.

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“May I suck your cock, Daddy?”




“As always, we will start with roll call.” Professor Robinson began calling out names, checking each one from his list as he progressed.

Bobbi waited for her name to be called. She was at the end. 

“And finally, we have a new student this week. Bobbi, where are you?” The teacher looked up. As soon as he did, the slight smile he was wearing faded. “Good lord, what are you wearing?”

“Clothes,” Bobbie replied.

“Quiet!” Professor Robinson barked to the students who’d begun to titter as he closed the ledger. “Bobbi, come to the front of the room.”

Bobbi stood, enjoying the feeling of shaking things up. Daddy had told her to have fun. This was fun, right? 

Professor Robinson stood, holding a pointer across the palm of his hand. When Bobbi was level with him, he placed the tip beneath one of the rules. “Will you read this for me?” he asked.

Bobbi cleared her throat. “Students must be in uniform.” Bobbi read the rule in an exaggerated British accent, punctuating the statement with a dramatic bow.

Professor Robinson frowned. “Read it again, this time respectfully.”

Bobbi sighed dramatically and repeated the rule in her normal voice. “I don’t see why you’re mad. I’m in uniform.”

He touched the pointer to her chest. “This… is not a uniform.”

“It is. I’m a general in the Ladybug Brigade.” 

When the other students burst out laughing, the teacher shot them a withering look. “Do I need to line you all up before the blackboard for six strokes across your bare bums?” As the laughter died, he looked around. “I didn’t think so.” He turned back to Bobbi.

“Young lady, even a general in the Ladybug Brigade is required to be in school uniform here.”

“The rule just says uniform.”

“Consider the rule modified to exclude all life forms except humans.” Professor Robinson spoke through gritted teeth. He looked out at the class again. “Mary, if you would escort General Bobbi to the uniform room—”

“I’m not wearing a school uniform,” Bobbi said. “My Daddy said I don’t have to.”

Professor Robinson crossed his arms and arched a brow. “Really?” he asked skeptically.

“Yeah, really,” Bobbi replied, mimicking his stance and crossing her arms as well. “Halloween is my official religion. I dress up in a different costume every day of Halloween week.”

“You are free to dress how you like outside the classroom, but in here, you will wear a uniform.”

“No.” Bobbi didn’t budge. “I don’t wanna.”

“Do I need to call your Daddy?”

She shrugged. “I suppose you could if you want to interrupt his super important work.”

Bobbi smiled with the smug certainty of someone who’d just checkmated their chess partner. Her Daddy had been invited here because he was an expert. That meant he was important—important enough that Master Derek was prepared to offer him an important position at the Ranch. 

“Hmm.” Professor Robinson nodded thoughtfully. “It would be a terrible inconvenience to call him from class. I suppose that’s why he informed me he would fully support me should I have to deal with you.” He stepped back and pointed at the edge of the desk. “Bend over, please.”

Bobbi looked at him, shocked. “What?”

“Bend over,” he repeated. “You’re going to get six licks with the cane, after which you’ll have the opportunity to go to the uniform room and change. As it is, you’re delaying class for your fellow students, which means everyone will have to stay later today.” 

Beyond the desk, her classmates grumbled. Now when Bobbi looked out, the faces she saw weren’t amused but irritated. 

“You can’t punish me,” she said. “Only Daddy can punish me.”

“Bobbi, I’m going to count to three. If you don’t bend over the desk, I’ll have no choice but to send for your Daddy.”

Bobbi felt panic and resentment rise in her chest. This wasn’t how she’d imagined things would go. When she’d played it out in her mind, Professor Robinson had just ordered her back to her seat. She looked at the desk, wondering what to do. If she bent over, he’d win. He’d win and he’d punish her. If he called Daddy, he’d know she’d lied, and she wouldn’t just be in trouble—she’d be in super-duper trouble. 

The reasonable option was to simply concede and go to the uniform room, but the anger Daddy had worked so hard to help her control rose like a mushroom cloud inside her.

“What kind of sick person spanks a ladybug?” she asked, tears of rage springing to her eyes. “I’m not bending over your stupid desk.”

“Very well. Go back to your seat.” 

For a moment, Bobbi didn’t think she’d heard him right. That was it? She’d won? She turned, smiling triumphantly, and headed back to her desk. As she walked the narrow aisle back to her desk, Bobbi passed Mary. As Bobbi took her seat, the room was quiet save for a message Professor Robinson was whispering to Mary, who departed the room. 

Bobbi looked out the window, ignoring the drone of Professor Robinson’s voice as he made some announcements about things she didn’t care about. If she were home, she’d be watching Hocus Pocus or Nightmare Before Christmas while Daddy did daddy things in his home office. She’d be lying on her belly, her attention divided between the television and the watercolor painting of a pumpkin she’d been working on. The house would smell like pumpkin spice and the lingering scent of the cinnamon rolls they’d have had for breakfast.

This room smelled like wood polish and pine oil. It smelled like an old person’s room. She looked up at Professor Robinson, who was saying today’s lesson was on finances. He was asking the class what the difference was between needs and wants. She knew the answer. Daddy wanted to teach some stupid class, but she needed to be having fun, not listening to stuffy Mr. Bean talking about balancing checkbooks.

She found a pencil in her desk and put her head down, the circle of her arms hiding the tiny pumpkins she began to sketch on the smooth wooden surface. Only when the door opened a few minutes later did she look up to see Mary walk in, but her heart fell when she saw who was with her.

It was her Daddy, and he did not look at all happy.




imageKimber Callahan was once in a loving daddy dom relationship, or so she thought. Eighteen years later, she realizes it was a lie. Her marriage is broken, along with her sense of self worth as a partner and a submissive.

Starting over isn’t easy, but the 45-year-old is determined to move past the hurt with the help of a new job and some much needed therapy.

At fifty, Eric Kelly has never found a woman he could click with. That changes when he hires Kimber. The attraction is instant. But when a miscommunication reveals some deeply personal information about Kimber, she quits in humiliation.

Eric isn’t about to let her go. He suspects this may be the woman he’s waited all his life for. Can he convince a woman whose inner little one has been shattered to take a chance on a new daddy dom?

Click Here!


USA Today Bestselling author Ava Sinclair has been writing naughty books for over two decades. While she’s best known for her Daddy books, she has written erotic romance across other genres.

Join Ava's private Facebook group, Ava's Risque Reading Room here:




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