Aug 27, 2021 12:01 pm


imageWhen Lila decides to get in shape at the local gym, she fully expects to fade into the background among all the toned and buff women at Excel Fitness. What she doesn’t expect is capturing the attention of gym owner Gabe Hampton. Gabe is huge, buff, and gorgeous. Lila can’t help but think he’d make a great character in one of the naughty books she writes, and it doesn’t help when she learns his nickname is Gym Daddy.

Gabe Hampton instantly takes a liking to Lila. She’s pretty, funny, and kind. The only thing standing in their way is her low self-esteem. He’s eager to break the ice, and the opportunity finally comes when he discovers her writing, complete with a character that reminds him of himself and just the kind of kinky sex he secretly loves.

Will Lila’s fantasies about her own personal gym daddy finally come to life? Gabe Hampton is about to put Lila through the workout of her life and give her everything she deserves.

*Trained by Daddy is a never before released on Amazon novella that was previously only available to the author's newsletter subscribers.*

TRAINED BY DADDY releases 8/27!

imageJacki has no idea what she is. Her spoiled princess act is just that, an act.

But when the brat violates my rules with her act, the show is over. Jacki finds herself over my knee learning that her bad manners will not give her the attention she wants.

As a daddy, I have spanked many bad little girls, but there is something about Jacki that calls to me. The more I peel back her layers, the more I want her.

And now that were on the run, I will do anything to keep her safe.


imageAll it takes is a single night to change everything I thought I knew about myself. One night of giving my body to a man who promises to make even my most forbidden fantasies come true.

Shaye awakens something inside of me, and I find myself craving more. More of his touch. More pleasure. More pain.

More everything.

But as I follow him deeper into his world, I wonder — will he be my destruction... Or my Sanctuary?



How about a couple of excerpts from the authors of Dirty Daddies?

From Awarding Avery by Becca Jameson available only in Dirty Daddies 2021 Anniversary Anthology

“Aren’t you still lonely? I never see you date. Though you do go to a mysterious location on Friday nights.” I wink at her, hoping she knows I’m kidding.

She stares at me a moment, seemingly thinking about how she wants to respond. “It’s not easy to find the right person to spend your life with. There are specific qualities I want in a life-partner. I know myself better than I used to. I won’t mess it up a second time.”

“That makes sense. I’m sure you know your mind. So, let’s see. You’re looking for an older man who refuses to mow the lawn and sits on the couch while you stand on top of a ladder trying to change a lightbulb. Do I have that right?”

She giggles. “Not even close.”

I lift a brow as I keep eating. “Seems accurate to me. You told me yourself you want an old dude with gray hair and a potbelly. Plus, I know you hate when people help you out, so…”

She giggles again, which I love so much I want to shove this food on the floor, lay her on the table, and push that dress up her body so that I can find out if she’s wearing black lace panties that match the bra I’ve only glimpsed.

“Now, you’re exaggerating. I never said anything about gray hair or a potbelly.”

“Well, since you aren’t impressed by a fit guy with no body fat and a full head of brown hair, I just assumed.” I shoot her another smile, glad her eyes are twinkling.

“Who says I’m not impressed with muscles and brown hair?”

“Just a guess. Although you did say I was a chiseled statue of male perfection,” I repeat yet again, “so… Maybe you do find me attractive.”

She groans. “Lordy. I wish I’d never said that.”

“But, am I attractive?” I push, just to needle her. “I mean, could you see yourself with a younger guy who’s strong enough to throw you over his shoulder and swat your bottom while carting you helplessly to the bedroom? Maybe you could close your eyes and pretend I’m old and gray.”

She gulps, her eyes wide as saucers, her cheeks flushed a deep red that runs down her chest. I wonder how far it extends…


From Ruby's Daddy by Paige Michaels available only in Dirty Daddies 2021 Anniversary Anthology

When he’s done, he sweeps me off the floor into his arms and carries me from the bathroom.

I squeal at the shock. “Daddy. Put me down. I’m too big to carry.”

He chuckles. “You weigh less than a sack of potatoes, baby girl. My first goal is going to be to get some fat on you.” He tickles my tummy as he sits on my worn loveseat.

I’m stunned when he lifts a bottle from my end table. “I found this in your cabinets and some Ensure. You don’t have much food in the apartment, little one. What do you eat?”

I stare up at him. “I have a lot of allergies and I mostly just drink protein drinks when I can.” When I can afford them.

Daddy frowns as I explain this, and then draws in a slow breath. “Okay, let’s get this in you for now. You must be starving.” He holds the nipple to my lips.

I reach for the bottle to take it from him, a little embarrassed to have him feed me. “I can drink it from a cup. I can do it myself.”

He reaches with his other hand to clasp mine and pull it down to my side. The towel falls open, exposing my entire body, but he quickly covers me up again. “I’m sure you can hold the bottle yourself and apparently you have been doing so for a long time, but I’m here now. Let Daddy do it.”

I stare at the bottle. “I’m not a baby.” I whisper the lie.

He strokes my cheek with his thumb. “I’m perfectly aware that you’re a grown woman, Ruby. I can see that. But you enjoy age play, and it turns out that works out great because I do too. I’ve been looking for the perfect little girl for me for a long time.

“I’m so very happy to have found out that the precious baby girl I’ve been eyeing for months already knows she’s a Little. Judging by the contents of your apartment, I bet you enjoy being an infant, and you’ve been very lonely not having a Daddy.”

I nod slowly, trying not to cry.

“Have you ever had a Daddy?”

I shake my head.

“So, you’ve been going to work as an adult and coming home alone to this empty apartment to live as an unsupervised baby girl?”

I nod again, though it’s not really a question. That much is obvious by now.

“You’re not alone anymore, Ruby. I’m here now. I’m sorry it took me so long to find you and that I didn’t approach you sooner. I’m here, and I want you to let me feed you.”


Available for a limited time, this collection of twenty-five sexy-as-sin romances star Daddy Doms who demand obedience and require your total surrender.

Whether you like Cowboy Daddies, Dark Daddies, Doctor Daddies, Stern Daddies, Shifter Daddies, Alien Daddies, or LGTBQ Daddies, there is a Daddy waiting for you. This deliciously naughty collection of all-new stories, penned by some of the best authors in the genre, is bursting with HOT, raw Daddy Dom action that’s sure to leave you breathless.

Don’t Keep Your Daddy Waiting…

Available in Kindle, Apple, and Barnes & Noble!




When a woman like Skye Ballard asks a man to fulfill her wildest fantasies, only a fool would say no.

And I'm certainly no fool.

I've promised to train her, to mold her into the perfect submissive. But the idea of watching her submit to anyone else becomes more unbearable with each session, until I'm forced to face a difficult truth.

I want Skye for my own. And if I have to break her before she finally yields to me, then that's exactly what I will do.



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