NSFW Only 4 Days left on the $.99 Halloween Book Sale!

Oct 28, 2021 3:51 am


$.99 Cent Sale Ending soon!


First up: Pumpkin Spice Daddy--Sale ends tonight!

"It's nothing a good hard spanking won't cure."

She flushes. "Not everyone believes in beating manners in children, Mr. Boone."

"Who said anything about beating children?"



Pumpkin spice coffee. Pumpkin spice cheesecake. Pumpkin spice room spray. So why not a Pumpkin Spice Daddy?

When Jenni Pruitt takes a teaching job in the town of Autumn Creek, she feels out of place in a community that embraces fall with more enthusiasm than a summer-loving girl like herself can ever muster.

Than she meets Phillip Boone, the local farmer who is sexy, dominant, and immediately interested in getting to know her better.

Jenni tries to resist, but the chemistry is too strong. Phillip is everything she ever wanted, but he's committed to making a life in Autumn Creek. When Jenni sees an ugly side of the community Phillip loves, one of them will have to make a difficult decision.

Will Jenni have to say goodbye to the protective, caring man who wants to keep her warm on these long fall nights?


“Do you believe in first impressions?” he asks.

I shrug, unsure of where he’s going with this. “I guess…”

“Would you like to hear mine?”

“Sure.” I pick up the latte and force myself to take another sip. I sense a compliment coming, which will at least balance the experience of the latte.

“I think you’re a bad girl.”

I choke slightly and put the cup down. “Excuse me?”

“You say what you shouldn’t, and don’t say what you should. I should have known you wouldn’t like pumpkin spice, but you should have told me.”

“Mr. Boone, did you bring me here to insult me?”

“No.” He leans forward. “I bought you here because I’d like to get to know you better. I bought you here because I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since I saw you in that pumpkin patch. I bought you here to see if you’d like a man like me.”

“A man… like you?” I feel flushed, and it’s not from the heat of the coffee. The moment he called me a bad girl, I’d soaked my panties.

“Yeah. An old-fashioned man with dirt under his fingernails. A man with traditional values. A man who believes in protecting a woman, in opening doors for her, in treating her like his little princess. Or like a bad girl, depending on which one she deserves.”

My heart is pounding. My nipples are hard. For the first time I’m glad it’s cold enough to wear a sweater that hides them.

“Mr. Boone…”


I clear my throat. “Phillip. If you don’t mind my saying, you’re kind of punching the accelerator here. Are you in some kind of rush to find a girlfriend?”

“No.” He smiles. “But I’m busy, especially this time of year. I don’t have a lot of time for traditional courting, so I thought I’d just cut to the chase and tell you what you’d discover about me over movies and dinner and walks in the park. If you’re going to rule me out, I’d rather go ahead and get it over with so I can stop thinking about you all the time.” He pauses. “Miss Pruitt.”

“Call me Jenni,” I say, my voice coming out as a squeak. “But you should know that I’m not like the other women in Autumn Creek. I’m independent minded. I have tattoos…”

“I know…” He’s staring at me like the lady across the room is staring at the pumpkin cheesecake on her plate. I can’t stand much more of this. “You’re a rebel.”

“Yeah.” I pause. “Why would a traditional guy want a rebel?”

He grins then. Phillip Boone may come across as the simple farmer, but his eyes are full of sex. “What’s the fun of someone who already comes tamed?”

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Second book: Scary Daddy--Sale ends tonight

“You know what happens to bad girls who break the rules, don’t you?”

Find out in this fun and funny Halloween story when two women egg the home of two very old and very old-fashioned Daddy Dom vampires.



I have so many questions.

How did Clay and Jon know what we were going to do? How did they get into our house? Why did the storm suddenly stop when we walked outside, only to start again when we reached their house on Poplar Street?

What are they going to do to us?

If they have answers, they weren’t telling us. Clay had taken me by the upper arm; Jon had taken Lindy by hers and they’d marched us from our house to theirs. On the way I’d looked to the neighbors’ homes, hoping at least to catch a familiar face in the window so I could signal for help. If egging a house is against the law, what is kidnapping? But the houses were dark, as if the whole neighborhood were under some sort of sleeping spell.

As we’d walked, I’d cast baleful glances back at Lindy. Neither man said a word as we’d walked; it felt all the world like being taken home by an angry father.

There are consequences for what you’ve done.

What does that even mean? Whatever it means, Lindy and I aren’t in on the plan. In fact, now that we’re inside the men’s house, we’ve been taken upstairs and escorted to separate rooms. As I’m thrust inside the one I’m taken to, I look around in bewilderment.

It’s a beautiful room, a feminine room, a room fit for a Victorian child. From the ornate canopy bed with rose damask canopy and matching curtains to the cream duvet trimmed in delicate eyelet to the old-fashioned wardrobe and bookshelf crammed with old-fashioned books and toys, everything is picture perfect.

“You have a child?” It’s not the first question I expected to ask, but it’s the first one that comes to mind.

“For now, yes. Two, in fact.” Clay is between me and the door. His stern expression hasn’t changed. “Two very naughty, very spoiled little girls. One in here, and the other in the bedroom down the hall.”

When it dawns that he’s referring to us, I feel indignant.

“Look, Clay. I understand that you’re upset. You have every right to be. You’ve made your point, so if you’d just…”

“No, Rowan. You’re wrong. We’ve yet to make our point. But we will.” He walks past me and as soon he does, I bolt for the door.

“It’s locked. You can’t get out.” I turn to see him opening the wardrobe. “Your clothes are wet and unbecoming of a young lady in this household. You’ll wear this now.”

I stare in disbelief as he lays an outfit on the bed. There’s a Victorian style dress, stockings, and… drawers?

“I assume you can dress yourself.”

“I’m not wearing that.”

“Yes, you are.” He walks over and puts a finger under my chin. “You’re going to get dressed like a good girl, aren’t you, Rowan?”

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Third Book: Karly's Wolf, a mainstream shifter romance, sale ends 10/31!

“What are you trying to do?”

“I’m sitting and I’m staying.”

“Buddy, she’s got one hell of a surprise coming when she asks you to speak.”



On the run from her abusive husband, Karly Whitaker flees across state lines, finally settling in an old mining town called Hollow Hills.


Starting over has never been more scary, and to make it all worse, her first night here, she hits a dog—the biggest, blackest, wolf-like dog she’s ever seen. Although he seems more dazed than hurt, Karly takes him home.


All she wants is a quiet place to hide from her ex, but the local residents are determined to make her a part of their celebration, Fish and Game won't leave her alone, and every morning Puppy vanishes, leaving her to deal with Colton Laurens all on her own.


Colton Laurens—the dark-haired, honey-eyed Game warden, whose gentlest touch makes her battered heart ache and whose hungry kisses burn her from the inside out.


For the first time in her life, Karly knows what it's like to live unafraid. But she has more than ghosts haunting her footsteps, and not everything in Hollow Hills is what it seems.


Karly looked at Colton, and he, at her; for the longest moment, simply looking at one another. For the first time in a very long time, Karly wasn’t afraid. Not even when he raised his hand to touch her face, the feather-light caress of his fingertips brushing stray wisps of hair back from her bruised cheeks.

It felt so real—the realest dream she’d ever had, but that’s all it was. And dreams had a way of letting a girl do things she never would have had the courage to otherwise do.

Her hand didn’t even tremble when Karly touched him back, the hard angle of his cheek, the strong line of his jaw, down to his chin, up to his lips. He felt so warm. Soft in some places, and hard as rock in others. She lost the fight against an involuntary shiver when his hand moved to her shoulder, caressed down her side, settling at the small of her back where the tips of his fingers began to trace imaginary circles on her skin. When he leaned in to her, Karly didn’t even try to pull away. His lips provoked the sweetest of surrenders. She opened to him almost from the very start, and when he shifted, she rolled with him, welcoming the comfortable weight as he eased himself to lie on top of her.

His hands touched her everywhere, traced her everywhere. They followed all the lines of her, his kissing mouth never far behind as if he hungered to taste every inch of her—her neck, her shoulder, her waist. His tongue dipped, flicking twice at her navel before moving lower still. He took her underwear off with his teeth. No one had ever done that to her before, and just when he had her squirming and panting on the sheets, he shifted his direction, following the caress of his hands all the way down the outer line of her legs and all the way back up along the inner sloping curves. The soft pressure of his fingers coaxed her to open to him, until his hands were right there on the inner heat of her thighs, framing the liquid pulse of heat that was her sex.

“Oh my God!” she gasped when he fastened on her, grinding against the mattress, grabbing her pillow and her hair, pulling at both as she writhed to the suckling, lashing motions of his consuming mouth.

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Fourth book--If you like humor with your kinky romance, don't let this fiery witch/warlock Rom-Com special get away! Sale ends 10/31!

“Did you just... spank me?”

“I hope you’ve gotten all that out of your system, because I’d hate to have to do it again.”



Look, I didn’t mean to turn my no-good, almost-ex-husband into a pile of slimy, green, jumping amphibians. I waved this “magic” wand I found at a yard sale and it just sort of… happened.

So now I’m on the run with a fugitive witch, and we’ve got the magical version of a US Marshal hot on our heels.

The only problem is, I sort of want him to catch me. There’s magic between us, and not the kind that turns people into toads, either. And something tells me Faisal Hammerlane’s brand of heavy-handed justice might be exactly what I’ve been looking for.


Eve woke up in bed. A very nice bed, much nicer than the one she had shared with Tom for the past five years. The mattress was soft, just the way she liked it, made of that new-agey foam stuff that felt like sleeping on a cloud. The sheets were fresh and clean and smelled of lilac-scented detergent. The comforter was down-filled and a deep burgundy color that almost seemed black in the heavily-curtained bedroom. The bed was a four-poster in mahogany or cherrywood, and there was a monster perched on the elaborately-carved footboard.

Eve screamed.

“Oh good, you’re awake.”

The redhead backed in through the door carrying a tray with a tea set rather haphazardly stacked on it. She gave Eve a crooked sort of smile. “Don’t feel bad. You actually took things pretty well, all things considered. Of course, you did turn a man into a couple hundred toads, so I can’t think the fact that I’m a witch is going to come as a complete surprise to you.”

“You’re a witch?”

“I’m a witch,” the redhead agreed, setting the tray carefully on the nightstand beside the bed. “Born and bred, as they say. Bedelia Beetlebalm, daughter of Sheelagh, daughter of Aoibheanne, and heir, believe it or not, to the keystone of Clan Haggleclaw. I still can’t believe they did that to me,” she finished in a mutter, and handed Eve a cup of tea. “This is Impus, my familiar.”

Eve squirmed back against the headboard as much as she could, holding the tea cup tightly in both hands as a kind of shield against the creature so calmly gazing back at her. “Nice to meet y—Hang on, how did you know it was a man I… um…”

“Toaded,” the witch, Bedelia, supplied. “And I know because I remember those wands now. I gave them to my great-great-whatever-niece, Morgana. Gosh, she loved those things. Toaded both parents for taping over her ballet recital. They grounded her for six years. So, who was he?”

“He… My husband,” Eve admitted, and stared at her shamed reflection in the tea cup.

The creature called Impus drew back his head and made a judicial sort of growling sound in the back of his throat.

“Where’s the rest of him?”

“I sold him.”

Impus made that sound again, only darker, less a growl than a roll of distant thunder.

“Okay,” said Bedelia after a moment’s thought. “So far, this is not unworkable. We just need to get the girl who did the actual toading—”

“I used the wand.”

Bedelia and Impus both looked at her.

“I did,” Eve said, and because that sounded almost like she was bragging, tried to soften it with a shaky laugh. “Just me.”

“I think maybe you’d better start at the beginning,” Bedelia said.

So Eve did, beginning with Tom and school and how it was living with him, all th way to the cop-ish sort of man from the Wizarding Host of something-something Investigations with his star that floated above the badge and everything but the spanking in her kitchen, but most especially that he said she had to gather the toads up and get Tom back, and how she really really really didn’t want to.

“You’ve got WHAMMI after you?” Bedelia said at the end of it. “Did I hear that right? Lady, why in the hell aren’t you arrested?”

“Arrested? B-But it’s not a crime to… to…”

“Knowingly and deliberately put a Stage 5 curse on an unsuspecting normal? Oh, you better believe it is!”

“But I didn’t know!”

Impus narrowed his golden eyes. “You did not know it was wrong to turn a man into nearly two hundred toads and then sell him?” he asked dangerously.

“Well, when you put it that way,” Eve muttered, feeling a hot blush steal over her cheeks.

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$.99 on Amazon/FREE on KU!

Fifth Book--Set 30 years in the future, these vampires are equal parts dark, dangerous, and more seductive than any mortal can deny. What would you do for just one kiss? Sale ends 10/31!

“Yes, Nissa. You shall have us both, and we shall have you. With our hands. With our mouths. With our cocks. And with our teeth..."



For centuries, my maker and I have indulged our appetites together, seeking out partners willing to satisfy our... unique needs.

But from the first time we strip sweet Nissa down to her bare flesh and feast, I know she will be different. I live for the taste of her blood on my lips, the feel of her body writhing beneath me.

For the first time since I was turned, I want a human for my own. Mine to taste, to tease, to take as often and as brutally as I wish.

Mine to keep... for eternity.


Her mind was emptying out, too much sensation going on to think, too much of her most treasured fantasies come to life. Was this really happening?

But the tall one pulled out, stepping away from his partner, and reached out to take her hand. His skin was hard and cool on the surface, with a strange sort of warmth lurking beneath. He drew her in, and the dark one stood, his arms coming around her body from behind. They began to undress her, and it was as though it was all happening in a dream. Except that it was real and she was wide awake, and she knew it. Fantastic.

The tall one stroked her exposed flesh—her collarbone, the top of her breast, and her nipples hardened until they hurt. And all the time she was aware of the dark one’s hands on her waist, holding her up, holding her tight to them both. His flesh was a bit softer than the other vampire’s, in a way that was difficult to explain, even to herself. So, so beautiful, both of them, and she thought she’d die if they didn’t kiss her soon.

“Soon enough,” the blond whispered to her, his voice tinged with a French accent.

She heard his name in her head, like some distant sort of echo. Aleron. And then the other, the tone gentler, full of smoke, and she knew his voice would sound just like that. Hex.

Their hands were everywhere at once, stroking her thighs, her stomach, her breasts, the small of her back. Their mouths followed, their lips surprisingly warm as Aleron lifted her arm and trailed kisses down that sensitive skin on the inside of her forearm, Hex kissing her back. Small, fleeting kisses, too fleeting. Pleasure like fire skittering over her skin, making her tremble. Her pussy was soaked, throbbing. Needing.

“We hear you,” Aleron told her quietly.

Hex took her then, turning her in his arms so that she faced him. The masculine beauty of his face was staggering, his eyes so dark they were nearly as black as his hair, with shots of whiskey and amber lighting them, and unbelievably long lashes. His mouth was ripe, the tips of his eyeteeth resting on that lush flesh. She swallowed, unable to speak, to think. He smiled at her, and his smile was like pleasure itself, working its way deep inside her body.

“We know you, Nissa,” he said, his voice that low, husky whisper she’d known it would be. “We know you, and we are here to give you what you need, what you desire. We can feel it in you—we can hear it. You want us, yes?”

She nodded her head, her throat dry, and it was several moments before she was able to speak. “Yes. Yes…”

“And we want you. Beautiful Nissa. Beautiful girl. It’s as though you were made especially for us."

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Last, but not least: Hunter's Moon, a wolf-shifter action romance, sale ends 10/31!

“When we stop for the night, you’ve got to tell me what could possibly be worse than being chased through a forest by a man-eating Were who intends to make you his sexual plaything, with nothing between you and him but a moon-crazed Hunter. One who would also love nothing better than to push you up against that tree and fuck you until you can’t even remember your name. And I promise you,” he tossed a lascivious wink over his shoulder before adding, “it will take longer than five minutes.”



Following a family tradition to seek her spirit guide, Luna sets out for an overnight camping trip into the wilds of the Willamette Valley National Forest along the Blue River. She does not know that the full moon in the sky combined with her chance meeting of the ranger at the trail's start would alter her life forever. She will soon learn that werewolves are real and that she is being hunted by them.


Her only chance at survival is a Hunter, come to Blue River to thin down their numbers if not eradicate them. Fate throws them together and, at first, she is desperate only to stay alive and go home. But the more she’s with him, the more his very nearness burns at her. She wants him, to be in his arms and, after feeling the bite of his hand on her backside, over his knee.


“You are being too quiet. Talk to me,” he said, not stopping.

“What?” She stopped and then jogged to catch up. “What about?”

He didn’t look at her. He couldn’t look at her. The wolf in him wanted out, wanted her. “Anything. Doesn’t matter. Just start talking.”

“I was born in a log cabin I built with my own hands,” she said, sarcasm dripping off every word. “Ripley, this is—”

Turning on her, he dropped his rifle and grabbed her. He lifted her off her feet before he landed them both onto the ground. He pinned her hands easily with one of his and forced her leg around his hip, holding it there by gripping her thigh just under the curve of one buttock. He pressed his erection to the core of her and he felt her heat through their clothes. It took all his willpower not to rip her jeans away.

Whatever objection she would have given caught in her throat as she froze, still as a statue.

With their noses practically touching and his eyes staring deeply into hers, he said softly, “I have not had any raw meat since yesterday. I have not killed anything since last night. I do have a woman within easy reach.”

She trembled and squirmed futilely in his grasp.

He bared his teeth with a groan and she froze again. “I am this—” He pressed the bulge of his erection against her as his hand massaged her thigh. “—close to not caring if we have gone on one date or fifty. I need you to distract me, so start talking.”

She nodded quickly and licked her lips. “It is the tradition of the Paxton clan for the first-born girl of the generation to be named Luna. That honor has been in my line for four generations in a row. My great-grandmother, my grandmother, my mother, and I were all born first. But my cousin Millie had the first girl born of the next generation, so her daughter was named Luna. When I have my girl, I will have to call her something else.”

Ripley’s eye ran down to her throat, watching it work as she spoke. He leaned down, thinking to taste the sweat on her skin. His lips parted for his tongue to steal the bead that rested at her pulse. He spoke instead, “Are you disappointed?”

“No.” She shook her head. The movement caused the sweat at her throat to run down to the collar of his jacket and disappear. He breathed in her scent, a rumble of pleasure at knowing that his jacket was permeated with it.

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