🔥NSFW🔥 I want to be her Daddy, and I want to make her feel everything.

Feb 15, 2022 9:28 pm



imageJune Fletcher never thought she’d be a widow. She thought she and her Daddy Dom husband Mike would grow old together. When she loses Mike after a short battle with cancer she finds her life without him almost too difficult to bear.

Friends fall away as she moves mindlessly between work and home hoping for some sign that he’s okay, hoping for some sign to guide her out of the perpetual fog of grief.

Gabe Winslow hadn’t seen Mike Fletcher since high school where the two played together on the football team. Meeting his widow is a surprise, especially when June tells him she found a note specifically requesting that he help June with financial planning.

As Gabe works with June, he begins to get glimpses into her life and the special nature of the relationship she had with Mike. He doesn’t tell her that he’s a Daddy, too.

Mike made June promise to move on and be happy. Can Gabe help her find her way back to happiness? Or will June’s hold on the past keep her from moving forward?

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“Don’t… don’t apologize.” I walk over to him and put my hand on his chest. “I love how you have made today about me, but I want to focus on you, too.”

He puts his hand on the side of my face. Light is slanting through the window and we’re standing directly in the beam. Motes dance around us like fairies as we kiss.

“I’m falling for you, June,” he says when our lips part. “I’m falling hard.” He runs a thumb across my lip still tingling from the kiss. “I’ve debated telling you. I don’t want to come on too strong. I don’t want to scare you—”

“You’re not—”

“Or making you feel pressured, or rushed—”

“I don’t…”

Gabe is studying my face and I can tell he’s looking for any sign of faltering, any sign that I’m just saying these things to please him. I’m not.

“I want to sleep with you.” The words are out of my mouth before I even know I’ve said them, and once I have, I can’t stop. “I’ve forgotten what it feels like to feel cherished, to feel loved. Each experience with you has been like a crack in the shell I’ve built around myself. Light gets in with each one and warmth, and the warmer I feel, the more I realize how much I’ve missed it, how much I’m missing.” I close my eyes and look away. “God, listen to me. You’re worried about me feeling rushed and here I am throwing myself at you.”

“Little girl, you don’t have to throw yourself at anyone.”

3.99 on Amazon or FREE in KU!

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Finally Daddy

Younger Daddy

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