A naughty new release!

Jul 16, 2021 12:01 pm


A Naughty New Release

This week we are excited to share a sexy new release, Daddy's Naughty Brat by Rogue London.



I was given an assignment, to hide the package and keep it hidden.

But the package was every man’s desire… a hot sexy young woman with the finest ass I’d ever seen.

I told her the rules.

I told her to obey for her safety and mine.

But she ran and now I have to get her before they do.

And when daddy catches this naughty brat, she’ll never run again…

Get it on Amazon


His kitchen really showed off his taste, and at that moment, I felt I’d been given an insight into Gabriel. “Wow, this is an amazing kitchen, and I love your double Sub-Zero with the glass door. Nice touch. If I cooked, I would have a fridge like that. As it is, mine is always empty.”

Gabriel was busy moving around the kitchen, grabbing ingredients. “Oh?” He stopped and gazed at me. “Why is that?”

“Uh, well, I grew up with a cook and a nanny, so I didn’t learn anything. I order in or go out when I’m hungry. One day, maybe I will learn. But right now, I don’t have time in my life for anything but to pursue my psychology degree. It is the only thing that matters.” I basically just told the hottest, sexiest man I’d ever met that I had no room for him in my life… and yes, it was a test.

“I’m going to call bullshit. You act like the dutiful daughter who does everything in her power to gain compliments from her father and never hears what she actually needs. You, my dear girl, aren’t after a degree because you want a profession. You are after a degree for your father’s approval, and you think this will give it to you, but you’re so wrong. Your father doesn’t give a shit about your education.”

Gabriel turned to start the stove and put the vegetables in the pan. He didn’t see the glare I sent him. That asshole. As much as I wanted to be pissed off at him and call him a liar, he wasn’t wrong. I didn’t want to be a psychologist, and I did pursue my education for accolades instead of passion.

“Fuck you, Daddy,” I hissed. He turned hard, glittering eyes on me.

“That is your one free pass, Cheryl. Repeat it, and you’ll receive my leather strop, and trust me, by the second stroke, you’ll be in tears. By five, you’ll be begging and promising anything to stop the sting that I apply to that ample, sexy bottom of yours.

Pick up your copy here


imageEnslaved by Magic by Kesley Lewel

For centuries I have existed as little more than a vessel for the pleasures of men. Different masters, different desires, and yet all the same: Selfish. Cruel. Insatiable. 


They stripped me of my dignity, drove the humanity from me with every sadistic command, every self-serving wish. 


I've long given up on being freed, resigned myself to an eternity of enslavement. But my new master awakens a dark, burning desire inside of me, and with it, an emotion so dangerous it threatens to destroy me...



Preorder available


imagePerfect house? Check. Thriving business? Check.

Smoking hot but bossy boyfriend? No thanks.

Set a goal, work the plan, exceed the goal. Rinse and repeat until you’re living the dream.

That’s exactly what I’m doing when Dixon Williams barges into my life.

I don’t care that he looks - and acts - like he just walked out of one of my sexiest nighttime fantasies.

Letting some overbearing oaf tell me how to live my life is definitely not part of the plan.

Preorder available


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