Aug 11, 2021 9:44 am


It’s barely been two months since we started this adventure, and I can’t tell you how lucky we all feel every day to get to work with our best friends in the business. Things are moving fast, and we are working with so many amazing authors that we love, now and in the near future. We are on the road right now on the way to Delightfully Dirty in Dallas 2021, but the work doesn’t end because we had a hot new release today!

One of the first authors to contact us when we started our new venture was NYT and USA TODAY best-selling author Eden Bradley-who we had had the pleasure of working with in the past on our anthologies. Eden wanted us to rebrand some of her older works giving her the freedom to focus on producing new content and we were thrilled to say yes!

The first thing we did was work on her San Francisco Doms series. These books have been re-covered, re-edited, and expanded to include new content, and Surrender, the first book in the series went live today!

If you love romantic BDSM, with sexy heroes and strong heroines, you’ll want to grab this right up. Eden is a master at her craft and her writing pulls you right into the story.

Check out a sneak peek below.


imageAll it takes is a single night to change everything I thought I knew about myself. One night of giving my body to a man who promises to make even my most forbidden fantasies come true.

Shaye awakens something inside of me, and I find myself craving more. More of his touch. More pleasure. More pain.

More everything.

But as I follow him deeper into his world, I wonder — will he be my destruction... Or my Sanctuary?

Sneak peek:

Even in the flashing club lights she could see the honeyed shade of his skin. His hair was a short, spiky shock of brown tipped with blond, as though he’d recently been in the sun. His close-shaven goatee, a few shades darker than his hair, made him look purely devilish. It was too dim and he was too far away for her to see his eyes, but from where she stood, they were dark, glittering. His gaze roved over the wild crowd and he gave them a crooked grin and a saucy wink, as though he was very much aware that he was performing—he probably was. And then he pulled his shirt off over his head.

She only had a moment to take in broad, muscled shoulders and tight six-pack abs, heavy tattoos around both biceps, before he turned around and started to pick up some items scattered around the floor, setting them on a wooden rack: a crop, the two paddles he and the other man had used, a variety of multi-tailed whips and canes, a few small metal tools. Devin wasn’t sure what everything was called. All she knew for certain was that this man made her entire body surge with need.

If only he would turn around again.

When he did, he looked right at her. Even among a crowd of hundreds, she knew it immediately. He watched her and flashed that small, cocky smile he’d given the crowd of revelers before. But this time it was for her alone.

He moved forward toward the front of the Ring until he stood right in the center of it. He stopped there, stared at her, locking his gaze on hers. Her stomach filled with butterflies, wings fluttering madly. She couldn’t believe he was looking at her, but the line of his gaze was perfectly clear.


She licked her suddenly dry lips. Her nipples went hard beneath her tight, stretchy top. It seemed his dark gaze traveled there instantly, to almost caress her skin before returning to her face. That self-assured smile appeared again, quirking just one corner of his mouth. Unbelievably sexy. Lust sang in her veins. She could hardly believe that having him look at her—just look at her!—was making her go wet.

The tattoos, the wicked goatee, him standing in the middle of this place, shirtless and beautiful… he was the ultimate bad boy, a satyr come to life. She’d never before been so attracted to a man. The hot flood of music and the colored lights only seemed to add to the sensual aura as he stared her down, daring her somehow.

He beckoned with his head, his grin quirking a little more. Yes, daring her to join him in the Ring.

She couldn’t do it, of course, no matter that every cell in her body screamed at her to go to him, to have this man touch her.

Touch me…

He moved toward her, approached the railing and put his hand out to her.

She blinked, offered her hand to him before she had a chance to think about it. He took it in his, turned it and laid a soft kiss in the center of her palm. A wave of raw desire rushed through her body like liquid fire.

He leaned in and yelled over the music, his deep voice booming over the noise of the club. “I’m Shaye. Tell me your name.” God, he was talking to her.


“Come play with me, Devin.”

She pulled back and saw that evil grin on his face. He had perfect white teeth, and she could see now that his eyes were a dark, smoky hazel with long, thick lashes.

“No, I… I can’t.”

“Of course you can. Just say yes.”




imageFor centuries I have existed as little more than a vessel for the pleasures of men. Different masters, different desires, and yet all the same: Selfish. Cruel. Insatiable. 


They stripped me of my dignity, drove the humanity from me with every sadistic command, every self-serving wish. 


I've long given up on being freed, resigned myself to an eternity of enslavement. But my new master awakens a dark, burning desire inside of me. He’s different from the others. He has rules, and consequences when I don’t follow them. He makes me feel an emotion so dangerous it threatens to destroy me... Hope. 


If only I could trust it.

Here is a little peek inside:

She should have been angry he’d spanked her, but she wasn’t even though it was partly his own fault she’d been able to trick him. Usually, she wasn’t given enough freedom to enact any kind of revenge, and she couldn’t help but take advantage of the latitude he’d given her. But to be fair, she had played a mean trick on him, and she didn’t blame him for being angry over it, especially when it had been so obvious it had been done on purpose. Fair was fair; she burned his mouth; he burned her backside. Fine, then they were even.

Only no one had ever done that to her. Not in all the years she’d been chained to her bottle had anyone pulled her across their lap and punished her like that, and she didn’t know quite what to think of it. His hand slapping down across the seat of her jeans had felt like such a personal thing. It was oddly invasive and the memory of it kept popping back into her head.

It had been childish, and yet, somehow not. She was still embarrassed, but her body was reacting in unexpected ways to what was meant to be punishment. There was an interesting itchy sensation centered on each ass cheek, and every time she squirmed, it seemed to spread in a direct line to her core in a way that was almost pleasurable. Was it just because it was the first time he’d deliberately touched her? Admittedly, there had been some lustful thoughts about her new master, so maybe it was only that, but it lingered long after he went to bed.

Could it be that it was the spanking itself? She’d never considered herself a masochist before, and it certainly would have come in handy over the years, but she’d never had these kinds of feelings before either. Not for someone who held power over her. Not for someone who controlled her life.



imageJacki has no idea what she is. Her spoiled princess act is just that, an act.

But when the brat violates my rules with her act, the show is over. Jacki finds herself over my knee learning that her bad manners will not give her the attention she wants.

As a daddy, I have spanked many bad little girls, but there is something about Jacki that calls to me. The more I peel back her layers, the more I want her.

And now that were on the run, I will do anything to keep her safe.

Coming August 17

Preorder Now


When a woman like Skye Ballard asks a man to fulfill her wildest fantasies, only a fool would say no.

And I'm certainly no fool.

I've promised to train her, to mold her into the perfect submissive. But the idea of watching her submit to anyone else becomes more unbearable with each session, until I'm forced to face a difficult truth.

I want Skye for my own. And if I have to break her before she finally yields to me, then that's exactly what I will do.




Available for a limited time, this collection of twenty-five sexy-as-sin romances star Daddy Doms who demand obedience and require your total surrender.

Whether you like Cowboy Daddies, Dark Daddies, Doctor Daddies, Stern Daddies, Shifter Daddies, Alien Daddies, or LGTBQ Daddies, there is a Daddy waiting for you. This deliciously naughty collection of all-new stories, penned by some of the best authors in the genre, is bursting with HOT, raw Daddy Dom action that’s sure to leave you breathless.

Don’t Keep Your Daddy Waiting…

Available in Kindle, Apple, and Barnes & Noble!

Preorder Now



WHO'S YOUR DADDY? Book 1 in USA Today Bestselling Author Ava Sinclair's Who's Your Daddy? series is now only 99 cents! This fun series has all sorts of Daddies for your pleasure. Sci fi Daddies, Cowbody Daddies, Military Daddies, Scary Daddies, this series has them all! Grab it here, and get started on this awesome series today!

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