Three Sexy New Releases!

Jul 24, 2021 8:11 pm


Three Sexy New Releases!

This week RHR has two exciting releases to share with you, plus a brand new Maren Smith story in the Claimed Brides anthology that just released!



Claimed Brides is the sequel to Marked Brides, released last year. It's a collection of seven thrilling shifter-themed novellas from seven awesome authors. It includes contributions from Pepper North, Allysa Hart, Maren Smith, Golden Angel, Delta James, Morganna Williams, and Lesley Clark

Grab the sequel to Marked Brides here!



Enslaved by Magic by Kessily Lewel

For centuries I have existed as little more than a vessel for the pleasures of men. Different masters, different desires, and yet all the same: Selfish. Cruel. Insatiable. 


They stripped me of my dignity, drove the humanity from me with every sadistic command, every self-serving wish. 


I've long given up on being freed, resigned myself to an eternity of enslavement. But my new master awakens a dark, burning desire inside of me. He’s different from the others. He has rules, and consequences when I don’t follow them. He makes me feel an emotion so dangerous it threatens to destroy me... Hope. 


If only I could trust it.

Pick up your copy here!


She should have been angry he’d spanked her, but she wasn’t even though it was partly his own fault she’d been able to trick him. Usually, she wasn’t given enough freedom to enact any kind of revenge, and she couldn’t help but take advantage of the latitude he’d given her. But to be fair, she had played a mean trick on him, and she didn’t blame him for being angry over it, especially when it had been so obvious it had been done on purpose. Fair was fair; she burned his mouth; he burned her backside. Fine, then they were even.

Only no one had ever done that to her. Not in all the years she’d been chained to her bottle had anyone pulled her across their lap and punished her like that, and she didn’t know quite what to think of it. His hand slapping down across the seat of her jeans had felt like such a personal thing. It was oddly invasive and the memory of it kept popping back into her head.

It had been childish, and yet, somehow not. She was still embarrassed, but her body was reacting in unexpected ways to what was meant to be punishment. There was an interesting itchy sensation centered on each ass cheek, and every time she squirmed, it seemed to spread in a direct line to her core in a way that was almost pleasurable. Was it just because it was the first time he’d deliberately touched her? Admittedly, there had been some lustful thoughts about her new master, so maybe it was only that, but it lingered long after he went to bed.

Could it be that it was the spanking itself? She’d never considered herself a masochist before, and it certainly would have come in handy over the years, but she’d never had these kinds of feelings before either. Not for someone who held power over her. Not for someone who controlled her life.

Want to know what happens next?



Perfect house? Check. Thriving business? Check. Smoking hot but bossy boyfriend who likes to smack my ass? No thanks.

Set a goal, work the plan, exceed the goal. Rinse and repeat until you’re living the dream.

That’s exactly what I’m doing when Dixon Williams barges into my life.

I don’t care that he looks - and acts - like he just walked out of one of my sexiest nighttime fantasies. Letting some overbearing oaf tell me how to live my life - and who has no hesitation about reinforcing the pleasure he brings with the stinging bite of pain - is definitely not part of the plan.

But Dixon isn’t used to being told no, and if anyone could convince me to change the plan, it’s him.

Pick it up here!


He took two bottles of water out of the fridge and gestured toward the family room. “Let’s go, young lady.”

I walked in the direction he pointed, dragging my feet the entire way there.

“Can’t we talk about this, Dixon?” I suggested. “Like two adults, on the couch, upright.”

“Oh, I’ll be talking, on the couch, sitting upright. You, on the other hand, will be listening from the world’s best listening position. It’s amazing how much a person is able to focus when they’re lying across a lap.” He sat down and pulled me to stand in front of him. “I want you to pull your pants and panties down and get across my knees, like you were the other day.”

I blushed from the roots of my hair to the tips of my fingers at his instructions. It wasn’t like I was a shy virgin but having this be the first time he was catching a glimpse of my pussy made me want to squirm. Or run upstairs and hide in my closet.

Check it out here


imageI was given an assignment, to hide the package and keep it hidden.

But the package was every man’s desire… a hot sexy young woman with the finest ass I’d ever seen.

I told her the rules.

I told her to obey for her safety and mine.

But she ran and now I have to get her before they do.

And when daddy catches this naughty brat, she’ll never run again…

Get it on Amazon



And You're Invited!

Don't miss the party tonight, Saturday 7/24!


Join the group now so you do not miss out on anything.


It's Christmas in July!

No description available.

Starting tomorrow, get all three books for $0.99!

Get Santa's Little Helpers Here!

Don't Forget Daring Little Daisy!

It all started in Sadie's Little Christmas!


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