🔥NSFW🔥Old friends. New flames. ...Dangerous consequences.

Jun 05, 2022 5:28 am



*Small Town Submission was originally published as The Quinn Quartet series. Small Town Master was previously published as Delving Deep. Although it isn't necessary to read Healing Jacob's Heart, The Small Town Submission books are meant to be read in order because of the over-all story arc.*


Can an opinionated reporter convince a part-time politician/farmer to dig into a mystery that threatens his Peaceful life?

She is far too stubborn and feisty for his tastes. He is too controlling and domineering for hers. When they meet sparks fly but it could never work.

He wants a perfect submissive wife, who will be a help in daily life and a vixen between the sheets.

She wants an equal partner, not someone with his head stuck in the 1950s.

When they are thrown together to uncover a dangerous scandal in their small town, they will finally give in to their mutual attraction.

But will it last? Can he love a woman who challenges him at every turn? Can she love a man who demands her complete submission?

Even with a tear-streaked face, his woman was beautiful, but right now she didn’t need her lover. She needed her rock.



“You’re such a sadist,” she griped at him.


He cradled her face and whispered, “Hardly” before he lowered his head and took her mouth in a fierce, possessive kiss. Delilah tangled her tongue with his, loving the hint of spice from their dinner and the taste of virile male. Too soon for her liking, he pulled away, and when she tried to follow his mouth, her movement was halted by cuffs.


“What? When?” she exclaimed, exasperated. “You sneaky bast…” A sharp pinch on her nipples made her gasp. Fuck!


“I’d consider my tone and words if I were you,” he told her lazily while he plucked and pulled at her poor nipples with vicelike fingers. “Breathe, Flower, breathe through it.”


Delilah closed her eyes and concentrated on inhaling and expelling air from her lungs. He let go of her left nipple but kept manipulating the other. It felt like he pushed his nails into her flesh, but when his hands cradled her face again the bite on her nipple didn’t stop.


“Look at me.”


She gazed helplessly into intense grey eyes; his pupils dilated with lust making them appear even darker. “Good girl. Can you take it?”


Take what?


He must have caught on her confusion because he slipped his hands to her shoulders and tipped his head down. Delilah followed where he indicated at her breast. A beautiful, golden nipple clamp surrounded the dark brown bud, and she gasped. Her gasp turned in a moan when he lightly flicked the tip.


Fuck, that was intense.

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*Small Town Daddy was originally published under the title Finding Trouble.*


Don't come looking for trouble... because it will find you.

Maddy has been called a rebel and a troublemaker her entire life. Struggling to find her way in life under the watchful eyes of the domineering men in her family, she's known for taking risks.

Lou is back from twenty years of active duty. It left visible and invisible scars but honed his skills and sharpened his ingrained instinct to protect the weaker. On his return, he's prepared for Peaceful to be changed but he isn't prepared to meet his childhood best friend or how she makes his body come alive and his palm itch. His baby girl will rebel against him at every turn, but he's determined to keep her safe, well-satiated and her bottom thoroughly blistered so she has no choice but to accept him as her Daddy Dom.

Of course, I'm happy to run into him, he's my childhood best friend. But… why are my nipples happy, too?



“I ran into Lou.”


Before she could finish her sentence, Ross' eyes blazed and he demanded, “Is he bothering you?”


“What?” A sudden coldness hit her at her core and her skin tingled with discomfort. “No, what makes you think that? He… we, we’re friends.”


“Maddy,” Ross’ tone deepened. “Stay away from the guy. He was trouble back when you were kids and although he’s a grown man now, I don’t like how he looks at you.”


Madeline’s spine straightened. “What?” she exclaimed for the second time in as many minutes. “Why would you say something like that? Lou is a good guy. He’s a hard-working law enforcement officer. For God’s sake, the man served our country for two decades.”


Ross crossed his arms over his impressive chest. “All the more reason to stay clear of him. He’s bound to have some issues from being on active duty for so long. No one comes out of multiple war zones unscathed.”


Ross was right, Madeline had seen Lou’s scars and wanted to know more about the incidents behind those marks. She was sure it had affected him mentally, too, but Lou was incredibly tight-lipped about his years in service. Madeline forced herself to concentrate on Ross’ words.


“…so stay away from him.”


Her blood boiled. “You got to be kidding me!” She took a step forward, not caring she had to look up to face off with her stubborn prick of a brother. “Ross Quinn, you are not telling me who I can associate with or what men I sleep with.” She ignored his wince at her mentioning sex but held out her hand before he could object. “If I want to date Lou Davis, it’s none of your business!” She shoved his chest and whether it was the force she used or his surprise at her assault she didn’t know, but Ross took a step back, looking baffled. Madeline spun on her heel and yanked her car door open, slid behind the steering wheel, and slammed the door closed.


She cast a glance at her brother as she started the engine. Ross stood like a statue with his mouth open. Madeline put the car in drive and eased off the brake. Ross threw his hands in the air and turned to walk back to the house.


“Siri, call Lou Davis.” Her voice shook so much from the altercation with her oldest sibling, she had to repeat the order twice before her phone obeyed and rang.




“Hi, Lou. It… this is Madeline.”


“Maddy.” He seemed pleased she called like there was no awkwardness between them. Maybe the weirdness only exists in my head.


“Is your invitation for dinner still on?” she blurted, heart racing like an insecure schoolgirl.


“Of course.” Something creaked and she imagined him sitting in an office chair and leaning back with a satisfied smile. “Does this mean you’re considering dating me?”


Madeline bit her bottom lip and looked in the rearview mirror. Although Ross was out of her sight, her brother’s words lingered in her mind, and Madeline firmed her jaw. “Yes, Lou, I want to date you!”

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*Small Town Sadist is the third installment in the Small Town Submission series. It was originally titled Standing Fast.*


She never thought trusting him with her body would give him access to her most guarded body part—her heart.

Welcome back to Peaceful, where danger spikes to new heights.

Sapphira is a hard-core masochist who craves pain more than release. She doesn't let men in her life, let alone her home, and now Master B has been there twice. The first time, the intensity of his scene pushed her so far into subspace, released way too many emotions... she didn't dare let down her guard a second time. Not with anyone.

But that was before everything went to hell, and now, not only is he back in her home... but he might just be in her heart.

Her lips parted around a surprised 'O', and Ben wanted her on her knees accepting his cock in that inviting cavity.



Ben shifted his position; he was sitting on the edge of the stage with her between his dangling legs. He took her empty hand in his and examined the finger she poked. The skewer didn't break the skin, but the point left an indentation.


He lifted her hand to his mouth and licked and then kissed the spot. Her breath halted at the contact and made his cock twitch, but Ben willed his body to behave. One by one, he fondled the colorful ribbons. Although he scowled at the white one, the other colors pleased him more than he wanted to admit–even to himself.


"You're new, but you like bondage and pain," he stated. He didn't phrase it as a question, and he didn't need to do so. Everyone in the club understood the significance of the ribbons.


He narrowed his eyes when she didn't reply. Even if he didn't ask, he expected some kind of acknowledgment. Most women were chatterboxes in his experience, but it seemed like he needed to pull the words from her.


Not that he was talkative himself.


"Are you interested in trying?"


Her eyes widened. "This?"


He lifted the red ribbon, he was still holding between his thumb and forefinger, and raised an eyebrow.


"Ah, right."


He could swear she blushed, although it was hard to tell with her complexion, and he touched her cheek with the back of his fingers. Flaming hot. But when she involuntarily leaned in, in sweet submission, he almost groaned. Fuck, she's sweet.


"How about a simple scene with a paddle and a flogger?"


"All... all right, but I don't want sex."


If his dick could speak, the damn thing would have protested, but Ben schooled his features. "I don't fuck during a first scene."


She flinched. Was she a delicate flower and not used to crude language? What was she doing in this club if public sex offended her?


"No scars, no permanent damage. Bruises should fade in a couple of days."


Her breathing quickened but she nodded.


"Yes, sir."


"Do you trust me enough to be tied?"


"Tied? By you?" This time her eyebrows puckered. "Will we stay in the public room?"




"All right. I agree to a scene in public."


He held his hand out with the palm up, and after a barely noticeable hesitation, she placed her fingers in his grasp. The gesture helped him to decipher both her willing surrender and how nervous she was. Her fingers trembled like the wings of a butterfly in his palm. He stroked his thumb over her knuckles.


"What's your name?"


"Sapphira, sir."


The name fit her. "Beautiful," and so was she.


Her gaze met his, like she tried to gauge his sincerity, and Ben allowed a smile to soften his features. His sadistic nature and taciturn personality scared most submissives, especially the newer members. While he enjoyed his reputation at the club, he found he didn't want to scare this little one.


Ben slipped from the stage and led Sapphira to the side where three stairs allowed access to the raised platform. He eyed her clothing. A newbie probably wouldn't be comfortable being nude in front of other attendees. Her corset left her shoulders bare and would cushion some of the blows, but wouldn't hinder his plans much.


"You can leave your corset on if you want, but the skirt has to go."


Again, her intriguing sapphire orbs scanned his face before she dropped her eyes, and her hands went to the waistband of her skirt…

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*Small Town Trio was originally published as Facing Consequences.*


Old friends. New flames. Dangerous consequences.

Reunions with childhood friends should be filled with nostalgia and funny, embarrassing stories.

Not sexual tension so hot it threatens to set fire to an entire forest.

But that’s exactly what Mark Quinn discovers when he heads out to a remote campsite with his high school best friend, Stan and his sweet, sassy girlfriend Gina. And if coming to terms with his feelings for two of his oldest friends wasn’t enough, someone is targeting the residents of Peaceful once again. The Quinn family must band together one final time to take down their enemies once and for all, or risk losing everything.

“A truly remorseful submissive is always forgiven.”



She must have made a sound, because both men turned their attention on her, and she froze. They were not happy to see her.

Shoulder to shoulder, they glared at her.

“I brought coffee,” she said lamely, digging into the sack and pulling out the thermos. “Figured you could use some.”

She pointed at the half-rebuilt third platform. “Um, you did a lot already.”

At first, they didn’t speak. Then, as if on cue, they turned their gazes to each other. Mark tipped his head and arched an eyebrow; Stan’s eyes widened slightly and he nodded.

What was that?

Raising one foot and setting it on a tree stump and resting his arm on his thigh, Mark turned his full attention on her. Despite his casual stance, she almost wilted under his stare. She! The woman who faced enemies, fought battles, and was known for her iron spine. Well, it seems like she needed a new one. This time she might consider titanium because iron didn’t seem to be cutting it.

“Little spitfire, what is one of the first rules in hiking?”

“Seriously?” Gina rolled her eyes and finished in an annoying sing-song voice, “Don’t go alone without telling someone where and when you’re going.”

Oh my god, I sound like a petulant child.

He took off one glove, and she was mesmerized by the play of muscles on his forearm. “I think such reckless behavior should be addressed and corrected immediately.” He pulled on the fingers of the other glove. “Don’t you agree?” His focus shifted to Stan, and Gina sucked in some much-needed air.

Stan’s Adam’s apple bobbed, but he nodded. “You’re right, Mark. Gina and I have discussed her reckless behavior before, so perhaps another, er, incentive might be in order.”

“Incentive?” Gina exclaimed. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“He”—fast enough to give herself a whiplash, her gaze shot back to Mark, who spoke—“is talking about discipline, spitfire. I expect twenty years in the Army might have taught you some.” He straightened and slapped the gloves against his outer thigh.

The sound made her jump.

“Come here.”

The low command in his voice compelled her to move toward them.

Before she knew what happened, he gripped her arm, dropped down onto a knee-high fallen tree log behind him, and pulled her face down over his lap.

“Mark!” Her yell reverberated in the surrounding hills and echoed. “What the fuck are you doing?”

“I’m doing something Stan hasn’t been capable of so far, but we both agree you

need, little spitfire. I’m going to spank you.”

Spank her? Outraged she struggled against his hold. “You can’t spank me. I’m an adult not a little girl you can chastise.” She kicked and tried to push back to her feet.

His voice stern and resonant he ordered, “Stay put. Stan and I discussed your behavior. You are deliberately pushing us. I believe you’re submissive, darlin’, and when a sub is acting up, she’s usually begging for someone to take away her control.”

Her mind spun, both from the blood rushing to her head due to her position and from his confusing statement.

“Submissive? You think I’m some kind of doormat?” She struggled again and he looped his legs around hers and pressed his hand between her shoulder blades.

“On the contrary, it takes a shitload of strength and courage to place yourself into someone else’s hands. To trust them to take care of you, your wants and needs, your discipline. Only the strongest truly submit, and only to someone they deem worthy. What do you think, darlin’? Are Stan and I worthy of that trust?”

Movement behind her, made her lift and turn her head, and Stan came into view and squatted beside her. He stroked her cheek. “I realize this must come as a shock, but I know you trust me and I trust Mark.”

Some of the starch left her system.

Mark rested his free hand on her upper leg, just below the crease of her buttocks. Even with the thick denim material the heat from his palm seeped through and warmed her skin. “Yes or no, little spitfire.”

“All—all right.”

“Brave girl. I want to give you a safeword, you can use if it becomes too much. How about… bear?”


“Yes, call bear and everything stops,” Mark assured her.

She snorted and slapped a hand over her mouth. Trying to contain the sound only made it worse and more snorting laughter escaped her.

Mark chuckled and Stan smiled and shook his head.

When she got herself under control again, Mark told her, “I don’t expect you to count or to thank me, although I might require that sometimes. Today I will just continue until I’m satisfied you’ve learned to take fewer risks with yourself.” And then he slapped her bottom hard enough to sting…

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Coming June 10...

A woman fighting for independence. A man who craves control. A love that will force them to meet in the middle, or risk losing it all...

When I left my father's house, I swore I would never be ruled by another man. My choices, my mistakes, would all be my own, for better or worse.

Until I meet Tobin. Cocky, successful, and sexy in that scruffy, rough around the edges kind of way. As reluctant as I am to let another man run my life, I desperately need help getting my spending habits under control. And it doesn't hurt that being taken over his knee for a well-deserved punishment does things to my body I've never felt with any other man.

But a part of me still fears giving him too much control. How could I ever forgive myself if I surrender it all and he turns out to be just like my father? Or, somehow, even worse...

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There is nothing money can't buy—even the perfect woman.

When Duncan Lawrence finds the woman of his dreams on the auction block, he wastes no time in bidding for three days of her time. Three hot, steamy days to prove he can give her everything she's ever wanted.

And even the things she didn't know she needed.

The first time he puts Niki over his knee and reddens her pretty little bottom, she can't hide her body's response to his discipline. With every passing minute, Duncan is more and more certain she is the woman for him.

But Duncan isn't the only man determined to win Niki's heart. And the harder he tries to prove they are meant to be together, the more he risks losing her forever.

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Coming June 21...

The Daddies are back and dirtier than ever in this brand new Dirty Daddies anthology!

Love comes in all shapes, sizes, and gender pairings and these 26 brand new, smoking hot daddies are here to prove it. No matter how you like your daddies — stern and sexy or sweet and cuddly — this anthology has a little something for everyone.

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