NSFW: Cry for Daddy, little one.....

Nov 25, 2021 11:09 am



Maisie Jane Beck is a thief. Stealing is her way of righting the wrongs done to her by a society and system that has always let her down. Stealing is the only way she can feel powerful in a world that has left her so victimized that she’s lost the ability to cry.

But as Maisie commits her petty thefts, someone is watching, someone who knows the sad, sordid story of her life and is convinced he alone can save her, whether she wants it or not.

This stranger has history of his own, but he will guard it as carefully as he guards Maisie in the cell he’s built just for her.

Here she will learn only what the stranger wants her to know. The first thing she will learn is that he expects her to call him Daddy.

Here she will learn how he plans to rehabilitate her.

Here Maisie will learn that he intends to make her feel again, to make her cry. What she won’t learn is the secret that binds them together – the secret that may eventually destroy them both.



I can’t believe the day I’ve prepared for is finally here. How often have I imagined you laying there on the bed behind the plexiglass wall, your naked body tucked under that downy white comforter. I wasn’t surprised to see the scars when I tenderly undressed you. I’ve known from your psychological records what to expect. I know about the pain that you tried to let out through the cuts because you couldn’t cry. Melancholia, the psychologist called it. Your traumatic upbringing had left you unable to cry. The disgust I feel for those who let you down is palpable.

I won’t let you down, my little girl. My little thief. My little student. My little Maisie. I’ll be the father figure you never had. Here you’re safe. Here you’ll start from scratch. Here is where the childhood you were denied begins.


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