Sep 03, 2021 11:35 pm


We're starting to get into our big push for the release of Dirty Daddies, and for that reason, there's two more excerpts for two more of the 26 stories that will be included in this year's anniversary anthology. All for $2.99 while the preorder lasts! Don't wait, because time is running out! :)

Also, say a prayer for me. I'm about to tackle the making of... Tiktoks! Those of you who have been getting my emails or who talk to me on Facebook know I suck at technology. I've hit that magical age where anything more complicated than making a phone call first requires me to consult a small child. My last technological achievement was the day I learned how to set the clock on my Betamax.

Tears will be shed.

Hopefully not by the small child. I don't think I'm that bad yet. Plus, I didn't even have to pick one up at the county fairgrounds. Ray lent me one of hers.

And that's why we have friends.


When a woman like Skye Ballard asks a man to fulfill her wildest fantasies, only a fool would say no.

And I'm certainly no fool.

I've promised to train her, to mold her into the perfect submissive. But the idea of watching her submit to anyone else becomes more unbearable with each session, until I'm forced to face a difficult truth.

I want Skye for my own. And if I have to break her before she finally yields to me, then that's exactly what I will do.



imageForgive me, Father...

Empty words I've heard more than I care to count. But from sweet, innocent Carmen, they are a temptation I cannot ignore.

It is my duty to guide her. To correct her.

She will repent for her sins over my knee, until her naughty little bottom is aching and hot to the touch. And when she cries out to Daddy for forgiveness, I will be the one to grant it.

I will give her everything her soul desires... even if it means damning my own.



A couple more excerpts from the authors of Dirty Daddies?

From The Bet by Kara Kelly available only in Dirty Daddies 2021 Anniversary Anthology

“You haven’t eaten all day?” I growl. She doesn’t take care of herself at all. Normally I can brush it off with no more than a few grumbles at her by reminding myself she’s an independent adult woman, but tonight it grates heavily on me.


“No. We were so busy and then Rita got called away.”


“Molly Rea Fry!” Her full name comes out like a growl and I guide her to sit down on one of the bar stools. Crossing my arms, I give her a stern look. “Honestly, Molly, you need a good—”


If she were mine, I’d give her ass a good swat now, warm up her dinner and send her straight to bed after a long lecture on how she needs to take better care of herself — which I would deliver with her draped across my lap, enunciating every stern word with a swat from my hand on her bare ass.


But she isn’t mine. Not yet, anyhow.


She looks up at me, and those brown eyes, fit for a forest creature, are a mixture of watery and defeated. “It’s been a long day.”


Okay, I’d feed her, put her to bed, and cuddle her. But tomorrow, she’d get words, lots of words, all enunciated with ass-smacks!


“I need food.” She groans and slumps, her cheek pressing against the breakfast bar. “But I might be too tired to eat it.”


I nod, kiss the top of her head, and open the oven where I’d put the small box of pizza to get it off the counter. It’s her favourite kind with bacon, double cheese, and pineapple.


I grumble under my breath, scolding her, because I can only hold so much in, but she doesn’t complain. She only lies there, looking exhausted. When I set the pizza down in front of her, she shoves a huge bite in her mouth and slumps back down to chew. I pour her a chocolate milk, add a straw, and set it in front of her before I plop down on the next stool.


“Smaller bites or you’re going to choke,” I say, sounding as frustrated as I am. She nods but still takes a huge bite. I yank the plate back, and cut it up into bite sized pieces while she chews the massive piece in her mouth. The eyebrow I can see lifts, but she doesn’t say anything.


“So, should I ask how it went with Chad?” I can barely keep the jealousy out of my voice.


“Please don’t.” She shoves three of the bite-size pieces of pizza into her mouth and I shake my head.


“Do I have to feed you so you don’t aspirate on a chunk of pineapple?”


“You could but you’d only lose your fingers.” She laughs, but even that comes out limply. “This is good, thank you,” she says in muffled words around her food.


I nod, realizing I don’t want to hear the answer about Chad anyway. My mood is foul enough. Besides, if she says I won, I’m going to call her on her lack of basic self-care because it’s still burning in me and I’m not sure I can hold back from smacking her cute ass red for it even if she falls asleep over my lap while I’m doing it.

From Double Daddies by Golden Angel available only in Dirty Daddies 2021 Anniversary Anthology

Oh, that devious bastard. If she had any sense of self-preservation, she’d run. Or safe word since she was sure any attempts to run would involve being immediately caught.

That could be fun, too.

Dammit. Sometimes, her body wanted to get her into trouble.

She was still stuck on Sean not being deterred by the ‘Daddy’ thing. Back when she and Dane had been together and she brought it up, both of them had balked. They’d tried to be understanding, but after their initial reactions, their questions had felt more like attacks, and she had become defensive. Had that changed?

“Yours?” There was a hint of challenge in Dane’s voice, and she narrowed her eyes.

“Mine.” Sean’s tone was amiable, almost amused. “But I’m willing to share.”

Despite her annoyance with him, Cindy pursed her lips together. That was almost the same thing Dane had said to him the first time they’d had a threesome.

Maybe she should speak up or object, but here Sean was, giving her a chance at something she could quietly admit she wanted. Not only that, she hadn’t had to ask for it.

Another night with Sean and Dane? Yes, please!

Sometimes, the worst decisions were also the most fun.

She was also going to have her fun.

“Hey, if Foosball Daddy isn’t ready, I’m totally down to get wild with just Pun Daddy.”

Two narrow-eyed stares were suddenly laser-focused on her. Neither of them looked appalled, the way they had the first time she’d suggested the Daddy thing. There was hot, erotic promise in both of their gazes… but also the stern demeanor that came when she bratted and was in big, big trouble.

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! Danger—danger, Will Robinson! Took it too far!

Dane slanted a glance at Sean. “I think a spanking sounds like a good start.”

Even though she shook her head, Cindy’s body was already heating in anticipation. She might be Sean’s for the next ten minutes, but she already knew ten minutes wouldn’t be enough for any of them.


Available for a limited time, this collection of twenty-five sexy-as-sin romances star Daddy Doms who demand obedience and require your total surrender.

Whether you like Cowboy Daddies, Dark Daddies, Doctor Daddies, Stern Daddies, Shifter Daddies, Alien Daddies, or LGTBQ Daddies, there is a Daddy waiting for you. This deliciously naughty collection of all-new stories, penned by some of the best authors in the genre, is bursting with HOT, raw Daddy Dom action that’s sure to leave you breathless.

Don’t Keep Your Daddy Waiting…

Available in Kindle, Apple, and Barnes & Noble!


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