🔥NSFW🔥 Can Zoey’s wild Colorado Daddy do what it takes to protect her?

May 07, 2022 2:26 am




Having someone to care for gave him renewed purpose. It’s not like he enjoyed her being ill. Far from it, but it felt out of this world to put his Daddy instincts into practice.

imageInjured and fleeing for her life, Zoey Carter takes refuge in an abandoned cabin deep in the Colorado wilderness.

Except, it isn't empty, and Zoey comes face to face with a tall, brooding lumberjack. Under Wilder's watchful eye and strict discipline, Zoey slowly heals and begins to rebuild her life. A life with a Daddy who nurtures her both physically and emotionally, and whose touch brings to life a passion she's only ever dreamed of.

But when the danger she so narrowly escaped shows up on Wilder's front steps, Zoey is forced to go on the run once again. Without her Daddy to protect her, she fears this time there may be no escape...

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“And why do you care?”

Because you’re beautiful.

Because I’m a Daddy Dom.

“Because I’m trying to make small-talk. May as well get to know each other while you’re under my care.”




“One cup of warm milk with cinnamon for you,” said Wilder, handing Zoey an enamel mug. “And a strong black coffee for me.”


“You shouldn’t drink black coffee this late in the afternoon,” said Zoey, tutting. But she looked happy really. Wrapped up on the armchair under a blanket, her cheeks rosy. He’d even put a cushion under her butt to make it more comfortable after the spanking.


“I’ll be alright,” said Wilder. “Caffeine doesn’t affect me much. Probably due to all those days working at the Sheriff’s office. Endless cups of hot brown bean juice, morning and night.”


“Hot brown bean juice?”


“Just my pet name for coffee,” Wilder said. He sat down next to Zoey with a mug, as well as a small stack of papers.


“What’s this, then?” Zoey asked. “Police work? Because I’m not sure I can stomach thinking about all those poor girls again.”


“No,” said Wilder firmly. He was gutted that Zoey had seen those pictures in his back room. He should have taken the damn things down months ago. Burned them and forgotten all about them. They were creepy as hell and it saddened him to think she’d seen even a single one of those images. He’d burn them as soon as possible. There was no need for that makeshift office in the back of the cabin. Even if he cracked that case, there was nothing he could do about it. He wasn’t an officer of the law anymore. He needed to move on more than ever. It wasn’t just for his sake any more, but for Zoey’s too.


Not that he knew how long Zoey was planning on staying with him. But, while she was here, he was going to make sure he did things properly from now on.


“What’s this?” Zoey asked, looking at the paper Wilder had given her.


“It’s the one thing my internet connection in the back room is useful for,” said Wilder.




Here goes.


“I printed us out a contract.”


Zoey’s eyes widened. “Like… a proper BDSM type thingy?”


“I know it might seem a little soon. But I guess it’s the ex-Sheriff in me. Making sure we do things by the book.”


“So… this is a legal document?”


“Kinda. It protects us. Manages expectations, makes sure we’re on the same page, makes sure we both feel safe.”


Zoey sighed, sipping her milk thoughtfully. “Been a long time since I’ve felt that.”


“Well, let’s have a look, shall we?” Wilder said, turning the page on the papers and starting to read the contract aloud.


He talked her through the fact that he’d like her to call him “sir” during a domination scene and “Daddy” the rest of the time. That his role as a Daddy was to nurture and protect her, and his role as a Dom was to test her limits and widen her horizons. And, of course, to punish her when she did something bad.


“Will you always punish me by smacking my bottom?”


“Not always,” said Wilder. “It depends on how heinous the crime is.”


Zoey shuddered. Heinous. “I’ll be a good girl. I promise.”


Wilder asked her to check various boxes on the contract that showed what she was into, and what she wasn’t.


“If I check this box,” she said, pointing to “anal play”, “does that mean you’re going to lick my butthole?”


Wilder shrugged. “Do you want me to do that?”


Zoey screwed up her nose. “Not really. But I don’t mind if you want to… put something up there.”


Wilder nodded. “I can work with that.”


They talked through some other options, and Wilder grew more and more excited. Zoey was clearly up for this, and she seemed open to new experiences. Flogging, restraint, blindfolds. He wished he had access to a whole lot more equipment out here. His cabin wasn’t exactly brimming with BDSM toys. But he was resourceful, and he could make stuff. He even had a flogger around here somewhere that he’d made for a fun project one day. Had yet to try the thing out on anyone, obviously…


“What about you?” Zoey asked. “What are you into?”


“I’m into all of this stuff,” Wilder said. “You name it, I’ll give it a go. Only problem is, I’m wildly out of practice. So if I’m a little rusty to start off, then forgive me.”


Zoey giggled. “You’re silly, Daddy.” He shifted uncomfortably. “Or should I say ‘sir’? Is this a scene?”


Wilder smiled. “I think we’re going to enjoy working this out together.”



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