4 Kinky Christmas Stories for the Price of One!

Dec 06, 2022 2:13 am


Naughty or Nice, the result is the same for these submissives—pain that pushes them to their very limits, and pleasure more exquisite than they've ever known...


The best presents come tied up in rope...

Naughty or Nice, the result is the same for these submissives—pain that pushes them to their very limits, and pleasure more exquisite than they've ever known.

This Christmas, they'll discover that Santa and his switches have nothing on their viciously creative Doms... and they wouldn't have it any other way.

Join these four couples as they celebrate a very different kind of holiday, with stories from NYT Bestselling Author Eden Bradley, USA Today Bestselling Author Sassa Daniels, and bestselling authors Cooper McKenzie, and Karen Nappa

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Sneak Peek from Cooper McKenzie's story, His Christmas Stripper

Though he had not been in on the planning of the club’s Christmas party, Bjorn was pretty sure Morgan or Viking would have mentioned a stripper as part of the evening’s entertainment. A glance at his best friends showed they were just as shocked as he was at the pretty little elf who had begun to strut her stuff. 

Curious, he looked closer. She looked familiar. He knew her from somewhere. But where? And why was she wearing a mask when she would be baring nearly every other part of her body?

Her curly black hair flowed down past her shoulders, making him want to thread his fingers through it and allow the curls to wrap around his fingers. Her elf outfit was shades of gray, which meant it was probably red and green as appropriate for a Christmas elf.

Then Roque’s words came back to him. This present was just for him. Finding Viking’s fiancé at the front of the crowd, he saw her bouncing in her Mary Jane shoes and looking as excited as a kitten in a field of catnip. She had a hand in this, a big hand. 

But he would deal with Roque later. For now, he had a dance, and a beautiful woman, to enjoy. 

He turned his attention back to the masked dancing elf just in time for her to unbutton her jacket. She stripped it off and tossed it to Roque as she danced by the Little.

The song had changed to another Christmas tune, this one an oldie but goodie. A moment later, the elf’s skirt was torn away and handed off. Now she wore a skintight tank top and tap pants. By the end of the song, they were discarded as well, leaving her in starburst pasties and a striped thong. 

Looking her over, the feeling that he knew her continued. None of the club members that he knew personally were strippers in their spare time, though he had to admit he didn’t know everything about everyone. But he’d been so busy with business lately, he couldn’t be sure about some of the newer members. Though he was pretty sure he would remember if he had ever played with this little elf. 

Even with the mask covering half her face, she was exquisite.

As the third song wound down, she approached his throne and slid onto his lap. Wrapping one arm around his shoulders, she leaned in so her lips were right next to his ear. 

“Santa and Roque wish you a very Merry Christmas.” 

Her breathy voice seemed familiar as well, like a foggy memory teasing at his brain that he could not pull into focus.

“Who are you?” he asked when she began to slide away again. He wrapped both arms around her body to keep her from going anywhere.

She leaned back and looked into his eyes with a sassy grin. “I’m one of Santa’s elves. Now, please let me go, Sir.”

She made the request very politely. Could it be that she was a submissive? Or was it just that she was polite in a world where few people were anymore? 

“But what if Santa wants to keep this elf for himself?” 

Her eyes widened, as if shocked. 

A moment later, heat filled them as if she were aroused by his suggestive question. Then she dropped her eyes and turned her head away so he could no longer read her emotions in them. 

“Please, Sir, let me go,” she whispered. 

“But you’re mine. My Christmas present. I may never let you go,” Bjorn only half joked.

She froze, her cheeks pinking up. When she looked into his eyes, he saw a longing in them he had never seen in another woman’s eyes. Not that of a gold-digger, but that of a woman truly interested in a man. 

“You can’t do that,” she said softly after the longest few seconds he had ever experienced. Long enough for his cock to leap to attention and demand he follow up his threat to keep her with immediate action. 

Her deep purple eyes poked at his memory, making him ignore her request and change the subject. “Who are you?” 

She dropped her gaze and then turned her head away. “No one important,” she answered softly before trying again to wiggle out of his arms. 

“No. You’ve been here before,” he said as he tightened his arms around her. He knew he had guessed correctly when she froze and her gaze jumped back to his. 


“Roque would not have brought a newbie into the club. Plus, your reaction just confirmed it. Now, are you going to cooperate or do I get to torture you a bit to get your name?”

Once again heated longing filled her gaze at his offer. Even though she was shy about it, he could tell she was definitely submissive. Now to find out if she was a masochist as well. If that were the case, Roque and Santa might actually have given him the perfect gift in the form of his very own Christmas stripper. 

Bjorn rose to his feet, his arms full of nearly naked woman. The crowd parted, creating a path as he stepped down from the stage. Whispers and giggles followed them as he carried her across the room to his favorite station to play at.

“Where are you taking me?”

“I told you. I’m going to torture you until you tell me your name.”



imageWho says three's a crowd?

There's no such thing as too many presents under the tree... or too many gorgeous, dominant men in your bed.

Falling for two men at once means twice the fiery hot passion, twice the creative, humiliating punishments—

And twice the love.

Join four lucky women as they discover there's no limit on Christmas miracles with these stories from some of the hottest menagé authors on the market.


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